Xavierlandic War

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The Xavierlandic War was a war between the Black Hole Empire and Xavierland that lasted from December 25th, 2023 to January 1st 2023. The war was considered the worst event in Xavierlandic history, as all battles occurred in Xavierland

Before the war

Around the time of mid-December 2023, tension was building up between the two. The tension reached a climax with Shelter-In-Place Warnings issued for The Black Hole Empire.

War declaration

Xavierland declared war with The Black Hole Empire on December 25th, 2023. The declaration caused The Black Hole Empire to issue Civil Danger Warnings.


The first of 2 battles in the war occured in the "legacy" Xavierlandic Army studio. The battle was a major success for The Black Hole Empire and lasted from December 29th to the 30th.

2nd battle of Xavierland

The 2nd battle occured in a new studio, and was much bigger. The battle was also won by The Endless Void.


The war ended the alliance between Skibber and Xavierland.