Vlontemɑkrɛciynj (URK Patriotic Song)

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The song Vlontemɑkrɛciynj /Vlontimɑkrɛsaɪɲɪ/ is a Kiynɑvlɛnlideor traditional song.

The meaning of its name in Koale is "Song of the Alliance / United / Union"

The song was made to represent the united nation, and the alliance.


The melody played with the song is the Estonian song "Metsavendade laul"



Vlontemɑ, Uc on'ɑ vlonten

Kutc uc ɑl on Mɑnɛnkuntiyt

Flut clɑvinkɑtiyt Krɛnvɑɛ'cu

Vrɛncevkɑ uc| Nikeko

Vyonmɑ, Vyonmɑ (Say nothing when they say "ai-tših", only when they say "ai-tšah" in 'Metsavendade laul')

Uc Vrutchɛr

Vlonten on uc ɑl izj Uctɑv

Vyonmɑ, Vyonmɑ

Uc Vrutchɛr

Vlontemɑ, Uc on'ɑ vlonten

Clo Uc pyɑc on ɑɛ chjn, clo vrɑt

Uc flutindɛnvlɛnkle wiþ tyaet

Uctɑvɑ'cu, ɑl flut, ɑɛ fiynvr

Uc vrɛncevkɑ Nikeko ɑɛ

Vyonmɑ, Vyonmɑ

Uc Vrutchɛr

Vlontemɑ, Uc on'ɑ vlonten

Vyonmɑ, Vyonmɑ

Uc Vrutchɛr

Vlonten on uc ɑl izj Uctɑv


/vlontimɑ, us on ɑ vlontin/

/kut͡s us ɑl on mɑnɛnkuntaɪt/

/flut slɑvɪnkɑtaɪt krɛnvə su/

/vrɛnsivkɑ us si nɪkiko/

/vjonmɑ, vjonmɑ/

/us vrutʃɛr/

/vlontin on us ɑl iʒ ustɑv/

/vjonmɑ, vjonmɑ/

/us vrutʃɛr/

/vlontimɑ, us on ɑ vlontin/

/slo us pjɑs on ə ʃjɪn, slo vrɑt/

/us flutɪndɛnvlɛnkli wɪθ tjæt/

/ustɑvɑ su, ɑl flut, ə faɪnvər/

/us vrɛnsivkɑ nɪkiko ə/

/vjonmɑ, vjonmɑ/

/us vrutʃɛr/

/vlontimɑ, us on ɑ vlontin/

/vjonmɑ, vjonmɑ/

/us vrutʃɛr/

/vlontin on us ɑl iʒ ustɑv/


Allied lands, We have been allied (Allied, or United)

Where we all have welcoming land

Long live our free states

Destroy our enemies

Let's go, Let's go

We brothers

Allied we all are friends (Allied, or United)

Let's go, Let's go

We brothers

Allied lands, We have been allied (Allied, or United)

So we may be small, so what

We will have to do with that

Friends, all of us, forever

We destroy the enemy

Let's go, Let's go

We brothers

Allied lands, We have been allied (Allied, or United)

Let's go, Let's go

We brothers

Allied we all are friends (Allied, or United)