Units of the Imperial Ground Army of New Prussia

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The Imperial Army of New Prussia has several units that specialize in different fields of combat. These units are usually empty and have soldiers assigned to them when needed. All units are loyal to the state and Kaiser fully and are given the most advanced tech the Kaiserreich can afford


The main page of the Reichsarmee showcases only the most important units of the Reichsheer, this page lists all units of the New Prussian military.

Unit Patch Commanding Officer War Motto
Die 5. Infanterie-Division

5th Infantry Division

Jackson Pender "Victory or Valhalla"
Das 28. Artilleriekorps "Donnar"

28th Artillery Corps "Thor"

Norah Husky "Crack the Sky"
Die 11. Chemiewaffenbrigade "Algiz"

11th Chemical Weapons Brigade "Algiz"

Norah Husky "Malus Necessarium"
Die 501. Panzergrenadierdivision

501st Armored Grenadier Division

Kaiser Luka I "Shock and Awe"
Die 22. Aufklärungskompanie

22nd Recce Company

(Vacant) "We are all Eyes"
Die 1. Kaiserliche Garde

The 1st Imperial Guard

Jackson Pender "With Honor and Loyalty"
Die 1. Spezialkräfte Operationen Kommando - Alpha

The 1st Special Forces Operations Unit - Alpha

(Vacant) "First and Last to the Fight"
Die 24. Marineinfanterie-Sturmbrigade

The 24th Marine Assault Brigade

(Vacant) "Primo Victoria"
Die 7. Panzerjägerabteilung

The 7th Anti-Tank Battalion

Jackson Pender "Achtung PANZER"
Die 116. Scharfschützetruppe

The 116th Sniper Corps

Norah Husky "Have a plan to kill everyone you meet"
Die 31. Försterdivision

The 31st Rangers Division

Luka Hochreich I “If by my life or death I can protect you, I will”
Die 18. Guerillakämpfer-Schwere Sabotagebrigade "Harley Quinn"

The 18th Guerilla Fighter-Heavy Sabotage Brigade "Harley Quinn"

Norah Husky "Bozo"
Die 101. Strafbatallion

The 101st Penal Battalion

(Vacant) "Feel the weight of what we owe"
Die 212. Sturmtruppendivision

The 212th Stormtrooper Division

Kaiser Luka I "Strike at zero hour, with overwhelming firepower"
Die 23. Hölletaucherbrigade

The 23rd Helldivers Brigade

Jackson Pender "To Hell and Back"