United States of Arvia

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United States of Arvia
Flag of United States of Arvia
Coat of arms of United States of Arvia
Coat of arms
Motto: “Pax Et Iustitia Omnibus” (“Peace and Justice to All”)
Anthem: “O United Arvia”
Location of United States of Arvia
Largest cityDuketown
Official languagesEnglish, Latin
GovernmentFederal presidential republic
LegislatureFederal Council
• Estimate
CurrencyArvian dollar
Time zoneUTC+0 (GMT)

The United States of Arvia is a micronation located in the United Kingdom, gaining independence on July 27th 2022 as the “Empire of Arvia” shortly after an attempt to liberate the former Ebysinnian homeland.

Headed by President Charlie Hussey, former King of Bluetopia and Emperor of Ebysinnia, Arvia embodies a blend of historical prestige and modern governance. Under his leadership, Arvia has transitioned from the "Empire of Arvia" to its current status, focusing on a democratic framework that emphasizes citizen participation and transparent governance.


The Beginning:

Following the defeat of the Empire of Ebysinnia in April 2022 to the Stravonskan Soviet Republic, a micronation headed by President Hussey’s older brother, the Empire was disbanded and forced to adopt a communist government under it’s new master.

On July 26th 2022, former citizens of the Empire gathered inside of the Ebysinnian Socialist Republic to protest against the authoritarian communist regime, and to restore freedom to our former homeland.

The protestors faced resistance from those who sought to suppress their movement, they stood firm however in their demand for recognition and change.

When attempts to negotiate and de-escalate the situation proved unsuccessful, the protestors remained courageous. They continued their peaceful demonstration until fired upon by the Stravonskan “Congressional People’s Army”.

Following this incident, Ebysinnians had no choice but to leave their country, and seek asylum elsewhere.

The next day, a local park only 0.7 miles away from Ebysinnia, was declared independent as the “Empire of Arvia” on July 27th 2022.

The name “Arvia” was chosen as a combination of “Aureum” which is Latin for “Golden” and “Vita” which is Latin for “Life”, which when combined means “Golden Life”.

The New Empire:

July 27th 2022 - September 2nd 2022

For the first month of it’s existence, Arvia continued to embrace Roman culture and was governed much of the same as the Empire of Ebysinnia, headed by the Emperor, Charles I, with the Royal Council including the First Lord, First General of the Legion, and Chancellor of the Treasury. This form of government however soon proved to be outdated as citizens were demanding more representation within their government. Following these demands the Empire of Arvia ceased to exist and soon became the “United Republic of Arvia” on September 2nd 2022.

Flag of the Empire of Arvia 2022

The United Republic:

September 2nd 2022 - March 3rd 2023

From September 2022 until March 2023, Arvia gradually transformed from an authoritarian Empire to a democratic Republic headed by the President, Charlie Hussey, with the new "Federal Republican Party", created out of the old Royal Council, which is still governing Arvia to this day. This period marked a crucial shift towards a more inclusive and representative government, setting the foundation for Arvia’s ongoing commitment to democratic principles and rule of law. Despite the changes toward democracy, the United Republic continued both Ebysinnia and Arvia's long history of Roman culture and identity, such as retaining Latin as the secondary language, however dropping the title of "The last piece of Roman Britannia" following more drastic government changes.

The United Republic was a transformational government, which was firstly modelled off the Roman Republic, however this caused many problems when adopting laws, holding elections, and even during daily governance, due to the government's poor knowledge on democratic processes, especially in the first few months. Arvia also found itself laying low, avoiding contact with other micronations and interacting with the micronational community on social media, fearing unwanted attention or publicity. Once democratic reforms had been successful, along with the introduction of free market capitalism into Arvian society, the new Federal Council sought to completely modernize the nation. This is when eyes began to shift towards the leader of the free world, the United States of America.

Flag of the United Republic of Arvia 2022 - 2023

The United States:

March 3rd 2023 - Present

After the transformational government of the United Republic, President Hussey and the Federal Republican Party wished to finalize the long process of Arvian democratization. After studying both the internal and external structure of the United States of America, President Hussey was inspired to style his nation off the most renowned democratic nation on the planet, and the United States of Arvia was born, free from the teething problems faced by the United Republic.

Arvia fell into dormancy shortly after however, until June 2023 when the Federal Council met to discuss future prospects for Arvia.

Shortly after Arvia's resurgence a wave of expansionism swept through the nation, and on June 25th 2023 "Newland" was established on Arvia's eastern border as plans emerged to expand Arvia eastwards.

On July 1st 2023, an expedition was organized to explore the surrounding areas and scout out any potential new territory for the new United States. The expedition went mostly to plan until an incident occurring at "Bell's Mill Bridge" were the Arvian scouts spotted soldiers occupying parts occupying the area. At first it was thought that the soldiers were part of a re-enactment group or possibly a television production, but upon closer inspection the soldiers were confirmed to be apart of the Stravonskan "Congressional People's Army". Fearing the worst, the expedition was cancelled.

It was shortly after this incident that Arvia would be discovered by the Stravonskan Soviet Republic on August 21st 2023. Fearing another conflict, both the President and Chairman of Stravonska met together and signed a none-aggression pact, along with numerous other successful summits throughout 2023 and 2024, including a summit held on November 26th 2023 which saw a de-militarized zone established between Stravonskan occupied territory and mainland Arvia.

Positive relations with the Stravonskan Soviet Republic continued until August 2nd 2024 when it was discovered that Stravonska was illegally operating within the DMZ, not only directly breaching the none-aggression pact signed the previous year, but also in complete violation of the DMZ itself.

Since August 2nd 2024, relations with not only Stravonska, but other micronations associated with Stravonska, have soured. Arvia has also been the victim of further aggression by multiple micronations including the Republic of Tirukia, formerly the Pochehovan Socialist Republic.

For now, Arvia is locked in what the Stravonskans are calling, a "Puny Cold War", however this will not prevent Arvia from developing as a nation into the future!

The 9 star flag of the United States of Arvia which served as our 5th national ensign before being replaced by the current tri-colour

Armed Forces

The Armed Forces of the United States of Arvia is the national defense organization responsible for safeguarding the sovereignty and security of Arvia. It is composed of two primary branches:

Arvian Army: Specializing in peacekeeping operations, the Arvian Army is dedicated to maintaining stability both domestically and in the areas around the Stravonskan de-militarized zone. It is trained to manage and resolve tensions and ensure the protection of those in areas affected by unrest.

Arvian Air Force: Tasked with reconnaissance missions, the Arvian Air Force focuses on gathering intelligence and conducting aerial surveillance. Its purpose is to provide real-time information and strategic insight to enhance national security and support peacekeeping efforts.

Together, these branches function to promote peace, security, and the strategic interests of Arvia both at home and abroad.

The Armed Forces has not yet been involved in active combat.

The emblem of the Armed Forces

The ensign of the Armed Forces


The United States of Arvia spans across 1.5 hectares (approximately 3.7 acres) within the West Midlands of the United Kingdom. Despite its modest size, Arvia boasts a diverse and picturesque landscape, featuring wide open plains, rolling hills, dense woodland, and a serene river.

The nation is made up of nine unique states, each with its own character and identity, mirroring the structure of the United States of America.

A flag map of the Arvian states
  1. Providence

The state of Providence, often referred to as the "First State", is the capital state of Arvia which houses the capital city of Providence, and hosts the national government. Despite being the smallest state, Providence's importance as the heart of Arvia is unmatched within the United States.

Providence state seal
Providence state flag

2. Charle's Land

Charle's Land is one of two landlocked states within Arvia, along with Providence, and was named after the President of the United States of Arvia, former King of Bluetopia and Emperor of Ebysinnia, Charlie Hussey.

Charle's Land state seal
Charle's Land state flag

3. New Ebysinnia

Gaining its namesake from the old Empire of Ebysinnia, New Ebysinnia is the largest Arvian state, and is renowned for its green plains stretching as far as the eye can see. Despite its namsake, New Ebysinnia is not viewed or considered the direct successor of the Empire of Ebysinnia.

New Ebysinnia state seal
New Ebysinnia state flag

4. Long Lake

Long Lake is the sole coastal state of Arvia, laying next to the River Stour which was once integral to the region's industrial development during the industrial revolution. Long Lake consists of approximately 90% of Arvia's coastline, making it a key strategic territory for the nation.

Long Lake state seal
Long Lake state flag

5. Freedonia

The "American state", Freedonia is named after the proposal submitted by Thomas Jefferson as a potential name for the United States of America during a period when he was exploring various ideas for the country's identity. Freedonia stands as a tribute to the United States of America not only in name, but also through symbolism and imagery in both the state seal and state flag.

Freedonia state seal
Freedonia state flag

6. Odenkirk

Odenkirk, the sixth state of Arvia, is named in honour of actor Bob Odenkirk, a personal favorite of the President. This vibrant state is home to Caesar's Hill, one of Arvia's most iconic landmarks, known for its historical significance and views. The hill has become a popular destination for both residents and visitors alike.

Odenkirk state seal
Odenkirk state flag

7. New Bluetopia

Carrying the legacy of the Kingdom of Bluetopia, New Bluetopia is the second largest state in Arvia and stands as a testament to the resilience of the Arvian people, blending traditions of the former kingdom with the modern ethos of Arvia. Much like the state of New Ebysinnia, New Bluetopia is not a successor of the old kingdom and is only related by name.

New Bluetopia state seal
New Bluetopia state flag (A modernized version of the flag of the Kingdom of Bluetopia)

8. West Newland

West Newland came into existence as simply "Newland", on June 25th 2023 as Arvia began to expand eastwards. Newland was dubbed the "New State" shortly after its creation, however the state would only remain whole until July 30th 2023 when it was split into two, West and East, as to better manage the territory. Since then, West Newland has been known as the "First new state" after its previous title was taken by its Eastern neighbour.

West Newland state seal
West Newland state flag

9. East Newland

East Newland is the ninth and newest Arvian state, splitting from Newland as a whole in July 2023. Unlike its western neighbor, East Newland is entirely compromised of woodland, whereas West Newland encompasses open plains.

East Newland state seal
East Newland state flag

The Passport of the United States of Arvia is a legal travel document issued exclusively to Arvian citizens. It is mandatory for citizens to carry this passport when entering, traveling within, or leaving Arvia. Non-citizens are not eligible for Arvian passports. However, due to Arvia’s location on public property, non-citizens may still access certain areas, though they remain subject to applicable laws and restrictions.

Front cover of the Arvian passport


The Government of the United States of Arvia operates as a federal republic, closely modeled after the United States of America, with a strong emphasis on democratic principles and federalism. The structure of the government is designed to balance powers between various branches and levels of governance while ensuring that the voice of the people is represented.

At the helm of the government is the President of Arvia, a democratically elected head of state and government, who serves as the chief executive and commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces. The President is responsible for executing national laws, guiding foreign policy, and leading the country in both domestic and international matters. The President is elected by the people and serves as the face of Arvia's democracy. Although apart of the Federal Council, the President is ranked above other council members, giving the President more power and control over the governance of Arvia, than those holding lesser positions.

Presidential elections are held every 4 years much like the United States of America with the first Presidential election taking place on September 25th 2022.

The first and current President is Charlie Hussey.

Official state portrait of President Charlie Hussey, September 14 2024
Presidential seal
Presidential flag

Supporting and advising the President is the Vice President and the Federal Council, a governing body that functions similarly to a cabinet in other systems. The Federal Council consists of appointed members responsible for overseeing various departments and executing national policies. While the President holds executive power, the Federal Council plays a critical role in shaping and implementing policies that align with the government's priorities. The Vice President of the United States of Arvia holds equal status with the other members of the Federal Council, participating fully in decision-making and governance. However, they also serve as the President's primary support, working closely with the executive on key initiatives and representing the administration when needed. In the event of the President's incapacitation, the Vice President is granted emergency powers, allowing them to temporarily assume the duties of the President to ensure continuity of leadership. Though their authority mirrors that of other council members, their direct role alongside the President makes them a unique and critical figure in the government.

Much like the President, Vice Presidential elections are held every 4 years with the most recent election taking place on September 25th 2022, however the President does hold the power to appoint and relinquish the Vice President if they wish.

The first and current Vice President is James Rich.

Vice presidential seal
Vice presidential flag
The coat of arms of the United States of Arvia which also serves as the emblem for the Federal Council
The state flag of the United States of Arvia which serves as the ensign for the Arvian government

The Federal Republican Party, a right-wing, conservative, and populist party, is the ruling political party in Arvia. The party prioritizes traditional values, national sovereignty, and limited government intervention in the economy, while promoting strong defense and law enforcement policies. Its populist agenda emphasizes the empowerment of ordinary citizens, advocating for policies that resonate with the majority of the populace, particularly in rural and working-class areas.

The Federal Council and the President answer to the broader democratic institutions of Arvia, which include a bicameral legislature made up of representatives elected by the people. This system ensures that while the Federal Republican Party holds significant influence, the voices of the citizens and opposition parties are represented in government decisions.

Overall, the government of the United States of Arvia balances executive leadership with democratic accountability, driven by the conservative and populist principles of the ruling Federal Republican Party.

Federal Republican Party logo

The Federal Office of National Intelligence (FONI) is a central intelligence and security organization operating under the direct authority of the Federal Council of Arvia. FONI plays a critical role in safeguarding national security by conducting intelligence operations and investigations both within Arvia and internationally.

Functioning similarly to a hybrid of the FBI and CIA, FONI is tasked with a dual mandate:

Domestic Operations: Within Arvia, FONI is responsible for counterterrorism, counterintelligence, and protecting the country from internal threats such as espionage, organized crime, and cyberattacks. Its agents are empowered to conduct high-level investigations, enforce federal laws, and ensure the integrity of national security.

International Operations: Abroad, FONI engages in intelligence gathering and covert operations to protect Arvia’s national interests. The agency monitors foreign threats and gathers vital intelligence on international developments. FONI also plays a critical role in supporting peacekeeping and reconnaissance efforts in alignment with the objectives of the Arvian Armed Forces.

The Federal Office of National Intelligence reports directly to the Federal Council, ensuring that its operations are aligned with the nation's broader strategic and political goals. FONI’s mission is to detect, deter, and neutralize threats against the state, both at home and internationally, while maintaining strict oversight and accountability to the elected government.

Through its combination of domestic law enforcement and international intelligence capabilities, FONI serves as the backbone of Arvia's national security apparatus, ensuring the protection of its citizens and the interests of the state.

Seal of the Federal Office of National Intelligence
Flag of the Federal Office of National Intelligence

National Symbols

National flag

The national flag of the United States of Arvia, often simply referred to as the "Tri-colour", consists of three horizontal stripes of blue, white, and orange. The blue represents the vastness of our nation's beauty, from the clear blue skies to its abundant waters. The white stands for purity, integrity, and unity, a reminder of the shared values that bind the Arvian people together. The orange represents the natural wealth of Arvia, reflecting our abundance of resources and flourishing innovation which sustains the well-being of our nation.

Coat of arms

The coat of arms of the United States of Arvia consists of a blue shield mirroring the same blue as the one present on our national flag. The shield encompasses a rising phoenix, a mythical bird that is traditionally associated with rising from its own ashes after death, representing the Arvian nation rising from both the Kingdom of Bluetopia, and the Empire of Ebysinnia, symbolizing the resilience of the Arvian people and their ability to recover from hardship and continue to thrive. The flames beneath the phoenix itself further emphasize the theme of rebirth and transformation, with fire often being seen as a purifying element. The nation's motto "Pax Et Iustitia Omnibus", or "Peace and Justice to All" in English, is written in our secondary language of Latin just above the phoenix, which is fundamental to our national identity and governance.

State flag

The state flag of the United States of Arvia serves as a more formal version of the national flag with its use similar to other countries that have variations of their national flags specifically for government or state purposes which includes the national flag as a base with the coat of arms present either in the corner or the center. The Arvian state flag is flown on government structures to signify the presence of the state authority, and is also reserved for official state functions and formal representations of the country on both national and international stages.

Presidential seal

The seal of the president of the United States of Arvia contains several key elements that are emblematic of the authority and symbolic role of the presidency. Much like the coat of arms and other state symbols, the phoenix, this variant being reserved for the president, is the central figure on this seal. Its wings are outstretched, emphasizing power, authority, and renewal. Above the phoenix, there is a semi-circle of stars. These 9 stars represent the 9 states of Arvia. Underneath the phoenix is the presidential motto, “Pro Populo, Per Populum!”, or “For the people, By the people!”, which emphasizes the democratic nature of the presidency and the country, highlighting the role as a servant of the people, reflecting the values of representation and people-driven governance. This seal also appears on the flag of the President which is a dark blue ensign. Another variant of this seal is also used by the Vice President which is also present on the Vice Presidential flag which is a plain white ensign with the seal in its center.

Emblem of the Armed Forces

The emblem of the Armed Forces contains a Chi Rho, a symbol used by Roman Emperor Constantine the Great as part of the Roman military standard. According to legend, before the Battle of the Milvian Bridge in 312 AD, Constantine had a vision in which he saw the Chi Rho symbol accompanied by the words "In this sign, you will conquer". Following this vision, Constantine ordered his soldiers to paint the Chi Rho on their shields, the Chi Rho then became a symbol of victory in the Roman state. Outside of the text reading, "Armed Forces of the United States of Arvia", and the year 2022, symbolizing the year of the Armed Force's foundation, is a golden wreath of rye, representing the honour and achievements of the Armed Forces.

Foreign Policy and Relations

The United States of Arvia maintains a strict and unwavering foreign policy grounded in anti-communism and opposition to left-wing ideologies, with both communism and socialism being officially outlawed in Arvia as of September 10th 2024. In line with its commitment to safeguarding its political values, Arvia prioritizes engagement with nations that uphold democratic principles or embrace right-wing governance, including monarchies, which are seen as aligned with its ideological stance. While Arvia is open to fostering diplomatic relations with like-minded states, it currently does not maintain any formal foreign relations. The nation remains cautious and deliberate in shaping its international partnerships, ensuring that they align with its core political beliefs and strategic interests.

Arvia does not have a specific ministry or department for foreign relations, however those wishing to pursue relations with our nation can contact us at,


Social Media

The United States of Arvia proudly invites you to explore its official YouTube channel, your premier destination for in-depth information about the nation. The channel features regular updates on Arvia’s latest developments, offering viewers an inside look at its policies, culture, and national achievements. Additionally, the channel hosts Radio Arvia, the nation’s very own radio show, where listeners can enjoy national news, and music. Subscribe today to stay informed and connected with the latest from the United States of Arvia!

Link: www.youtube.com/@UnitedStatesArvia22