United Republic of Twinbrook

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The United Republic of Twinbrook is a UUM affiliated micronation located in the Colin Region within old West Belfast, Ulster. The Twinbrook region is also known for high crime rate and a lack of employment and is also heavily associated with the 'Twinbrook Liberation Army (TLA)'. The URT has been a direct member of the UUM for several years after following its neighbours in the Colin region and has been also associated with being a strong, defensive country that has abstained mostly from interfering with foreign affairs due to its leadership. The URT neighbours local nations, Poleglass Democratic Republic & the Confederate States of Colin. The URT also partakes in the 'Lenadoon Occupation Project' to safely revitalise Lenadoon, infamously Twinbrook's occupation zone was robbed late early November 22' leading to the economic collapse of the region.

Twinbrook Flag (est 2021-

Government & Politics

The United Republic of Twinbrook (URT) is a monitory democracy established government with an elected leader as head of the country and military. The URT has elections if they're called by the people, and if so. The Twinbrook government calls on high-class companies and church organisations to elect a leader for the region on behalf of the people of Twinbrook. The Twinbrook Liberation Party is the main party within Twinbrook and harbours most of the support every election due to their activism within the community and efforts with 'protecting' the community using their 'suspected paramilitary' the Twinbrook Liberation Army (TLA) to use intimidation tactics against political threats. The URT has only two voting regions; Northern Twinbrook, Southern Twinbrook.

Twinbrook Liberation Party (TLP) Two Seats Zero Seats Two Seats
Michael Ferguson Party (MFP) Zero Seats Two Seats Zero Seats
Republican Party Zero Seats Zero Seats Zero Seats

April 22' Elections-

TLP win all seats within Parliament.

July 22' Elections-

TLP is outlawed by a new authortarian Twinbrook leadership and so MFP wins all seats within Parliament.

October 22' Elections-

Democracy returned to Twinbrook and TLP majority win seats within Parliament once again.
