United Republic of Delvin

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United Republic of Delvin - URD, was later named Howland Island located just North of the Equator in the Central Pacific Ocean, about 1,700 nautical miles Southwest of Honolulu. This United Republic of Delvin lies almost halfway between Hawaii and Australia. It's area coverage is 160 hectares. United Republic of Delvin was unclaimed and uninhabited Island and was changed its name from Howland Island to United Republic of Delvin in 2023 by a great Professor, Dr. Webiston Jokonya. It was declared as a Country or Sovereign States on this day of 5th September 2023.

United Republic of Delvin's capital city called Nashville City (NC) and other two smaller Towns namely Howland Town and Webston Town.

URD has got two large Sea Ports, Port Howland located to the South and Port Denzel located to the North and an International Airport in Nashville City called Nashville International Airport - NIA.