USRM Foreign Policy

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The USRM’s current foreign policy is known as “Aggressive Diplomacy”, similar to China’s “Wolf Warrior” diplomacy. The United States of the Rocky Mountains always welcomes new diplomatic relationships, especially with developing micronations. We like to help as much as we can! It is the goal of the USRM to maintain healthy diplomatic relationships with as many micronations as possible, new or old! If you wish to establish communication with USRM, please either contact us at discord at usrm_prez#0063 or email

The USRM is gradually working away from organizations, pushing forward to formal alliances. This is due to a recent bill passed in the USRM senate known as the "Foreign Policy Act", stating "The USRM should rather focus on formal diplomatic relations, rather than rising to the top of organizations."

Current Alliances and Treaties

The alliances the USRM is currently a full member of includes:

  • The LIN
  • The UMDO
  • AOTM
  • The Titanium Pact

We believe that through alliances and organizations, we can help the micronational community grow and develop as much as possible!

Adopted Conventions/Charters

  • Libertas Convention
  • UMDO Constitution
  • GUM Charter
  • AOTM Charter