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The Constitutional Monarchy of Tyshauwer more commonly known as Tyshauwer is a micronation in the Mid Eastern US. Founded on February 13, 2021, Tyshauwer has 1 Acre of land and 7 Citizens. Tyshauwer is a Constitutional Monarchy with King Andrew as its ruler and elections to decide who holds other positions of power. These include nine Supreme Court Members and Ninety Governers along with the Sector Officials. The current King of Tyshauwer is King Andrew l who has served since its independence in 2021. The mainland of the country has one city which is the capital of the nation, Kratacia. The rest of the land is broken up into two towns, Senpour and Metour which are the same size, they are a mirror image of each other. The Capital City of Kratacia takes up half of the nation while Senpour and Metour both take up a quarter of it.