Townships of Easway
Townships; Ez: Elvezunex; are the basic subdivision of the Easwegian Common Union. They are contained within prefectures, which are themselves contained within municipalities and then federated commonwealths under the Common Union. Organised through Easwegian kinship models, townships are modelled around cultural and geographical ties. Each township contains neighbourhoods and commercial sectors and has a Popular Committee at its centre, a type of residents' assembly for local matters. In total, there are 17 townships spread throughout a total of 8 prefectures and the Associated Community of Vardø Town Islands.
List of Townships
Bear Island Commonwealth
Essrina Municipality
Chuoscharni Prefecture
- Great Grëndy
- Proelëcskyax
Greater Liyvazun Prefecture
- Baizjillaldëng
- Ecaalouç
- Eldership Gardens
- Liyvazun
Boriopa City Municipality
Greater Herwighamna Prefecture
- Herwighamna
- Myggrabben
- Northcape
Lake Valley & Waterfork Prefecture
- Lake Valley
- Waterfork
Tunheim Prefecture
- Tunheim
Urdport Municipality
- Kvalrossbukta
- Steinflya
Pomors Frontier Commonwealth
- New Barentsburg
- Rijp
- Associated Community of Vardø Town Islands