The democrat republic of the Turan Country, empire

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The democratic republic of the Turan country, empire is my miconation founded on the 26th of October 2022 by Supream leader Aden Turan. A kind dictator yes the democrat republic of the Turan country, empire is a dictatorship though the name says democrat you still have freedom of speech and anything you want to be change the Turan Party will look it through and if it is appropriate we will in force it.

Our democrat republic of the Turan country, empire flag is down below but this is our coast of arms ( a dog it’s our National animal)

The democrat republic of the Turan country, empire coat of arms

and our coast of arms is a dog or a dog in the democrat republic of the Turan country, empire called

Dottie. Dottie is a Norfolk terrier dog.

Where is the Democratic Republic of the Turan country Empire located?

Well we have a flew claims of land one of witch is the North Pole and my bed room and my living room wich is the Turan embassy in hove and we use to claim a bit of the sea front at telscombe cliffs and Peacehaven but we gave it up but we still have lots of land .

Some people mite say do you have a political party if you are a dictatorship?

My answer is yes we have e the Turan party that helps and cares for you and wants the best for you but apart from that we do not have any other parts just the Turan party witch all our citizens are very happy with .

Citizens and jobs

In the democrat republic of the Turan country, empire we have at time of. Writing we have 12 citizens and it’s growing and we do have jobs at our miconation we have Head of finance which is Aden and Steve and we have many more jobs and you can see more on my blog just have a little look around for it coolant we have our own currency called the yan and 2 pounds = 1 yan and it is based on paper is 4 pieces A4 paper would equal one yan .

And people say in your small miconation do you have a mitttary our answer is yes and no we do not have a airforce or a navy but we have an army made up of 2 people and I don’t think the 2 people really want to fight we just try to make peace deals were every we go and we have had a Cold War that lasted 8 minutes and the Supreme leader Aden Turan Stopped it from escalating into a civil war by the no contac treaty and we our all better now  cool !

Have a nice day .

At the 27october 2022 at 23:15 a coldwar has started between the self righteous  narcissists and the fuel sources

At 23:20 the no contact treaty was being  to be formed

The no contac There is no contact treaty must stay in place and if it is broken a Civil War will exist between the self righteous narcissist and fule sauce may one side never meet the other and if they do a silver war will brake out and warinings and they passports may be terminated

Written by the supreme leader Aden Turan He is a bit like a peace keeper and they and the flying monkeys also go under the No contact act

At 23:23 the Cold War ends !!!

This applies to both party’s with no tolerance if the rule are broken

Ok cool !

In other words

Narcissists in shortest ever Cold War

The shortest ever recorded Cold War began and ended today 27th . It was eight minuets long.

A civil war was avoid due to the timely and beneficent action of the Supreme Leader, Aden Turan,

Self righteous narcissists took adversarial action, directed towards a secondary level fuel source. This ignited the possibility of a civil war. The Supreme Leader took immediate action, by breaking down input from his assistant. The impending civil war was reduced to a Cold War. Within eight minutes the Supreme Leader implemented a non contact treaty, ending the Cold War.

The Non Contact Treaty came with a very stern warning, threatening the self righteous narcissist, and their flying monkeys like they have never been threatened before.

On Sunday 30th October 2022 Supreme leader Aden Turan has just printed 600 yan to go in to circulation to the Turan citizens.

this is a Turan flag or the democratic republic of the Turan country,empire flag cool

The Democratic republic of The Turan country empire flag

Turan  A few days ago the supreme leader Aden has announced our  national holidays The first is the 26th of October The day of founding  and our second one is the 25th of December Christmas Day!
