Taksrokiaos war

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The taksrokiaos war is a war which was named after the coupish(highlander dialect) word taksrokiaos which means taksrakian

Battle of imperatos

The battle of imperatos ended in a quick and decisive highlander victory

Battle of imperial hill

After the battle of imperatos, the war halted for the rest of the day, after that day the taksrakians rallied at a small hill, surrounded by grass, with the perfect terrain, the highlander army launched an attack on that small hill and the highlanders won the battle

The highlander campaign

The northern exlanders, who supported the sng dynasty, went on a campaign in highland which ended in a northern exlander victory, the northern exlanders however, decided to retreat back to their tribal Territory

Taksrakian surrender

The taksrakians decided to surrender after the highlanders went to occupy fort platos and captured the senate, after a few minutes of discussions, the taksrakians signed to a surrender


After signing the peace treaty, the taksrakians had to pay 300 taksrakian rullars to highland, which is 20 highlander dollars and the highlanders annexed southern coupland while the taksrakians deal with the money war

Taksrokiaos war
Date23 January - 26 January 2024
Status Inactive
Highland annexes the southern coupland, starting a battle between the independent coupish league and highland, while the sng dynasty economy falls, with the taksrakians not being able to pay it's mercenaries, the mercenaries started a rebellion

sng dynasty Northern exlander tribe

Sng mercenaries(mostly playlanders)
highlander federal republic Southern coupish tribe
Commanders and leaders

Emperor's Tom the first

General zayen

Highlander senate

King Noah of playland
Tribal king of southern coupland (unknown)
Units involved

1st regiment of rifles 1st Assault regiment Tribal army of northern exlanders

Imperial regiment (mercenary)

Double consular army Royalist calvary

Royalist guard
Tribal army of southern couplanders
8 4 3
Casualties and losses
1 injured None None