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Socialist Republic of Taiping
Motto: 基督教是真理!接受基督为救主和上帝的儿子是通往天堂的唯一途径! (Chinese: Christianity is the truth! Accepting Christ as the Savior and Son of God is the only way to heaven!)
File:South East China, North West China, West TN, United States
and largest city
基督教要塞 (Jīdūjiào yàosài)
Official languagesChinese, English, German, Russian, Romanian.
LegislatureThe Council of the Republic
• (as of 2021 census) census
Time zone(UTC)
This nation is a member of the Ruskev Pact

The Republic of Taiping, more commonly known as Taiping, is a micronation in South East Taipei of Taiwan (R.O.C) and in The Eastern United States... Taiping is the second formation of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom which lead a Christian-Hedrodox rebellion against the Qing dynasty of China. This 2nd incarnation is still Christian however, it is no longer Hedrodox and is instead a Baptist Christian Nation. Taiping is no longer a Monarchy but instead a Christian Dictatorial Autocratic Socialist Republic.

The nation is governed by its supreme leader and is a Theocratic Christian Dictatorial Autocratic Socialist Republic.

The nation has good relations with Christian micronaitons.


Taiping means peace, However this is used to describe the land claimed by Taiping and not the Government or people.


Taiping was reformed from its 1864 defeat on 3-4-2021

Politics and government

The Nation is Governed by the Supreme Leader, and is guided to be Christian above all other of its laws.

Law and order

The supreme court deals with most cases of high issue within the nation

Foreign relations

maintains strong ties with any Christian micronations.


21 Active military personel

Geography and climate

Bible belt American climate


Large exporter/importer of Dirt and Stone

Culture and media

The Media is state owned and ran

See also