Special Administrative Region of Quanyang

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Special Administrative Region of Quanyang
Flag of the SARQ

No known coat of arms
Coat of arms
File:United States
Official languagesEnglish
• Chief Executive
Ethan Langston

The Special Administrative Region of Quanyang, officially abbreviated as The SARQ, is a self-proclaimed overseas territory of the Republic of China (Taiwan) founded by Ethan Langston who has many different aliases. He decided to enact the creation of the Committee of State Affairs of the Special Administrative Region of Quanyang. Langston proclaimed Quanyang as a part and chunk of Taiwan on 2/1/2022. He is the Birigade General ☆☆☆☆☆ of the Quanyang Republican Army (QRA) and the Quanyang Republican Naval Infantry (QRNI). He is ultimately the Commander-in-Chief of Quanyang.

The Republican Army can only be used in times of self-defence or diplomatic assistance. Langston set the principles for the Republican Army and Quanyang stating: "It is not for our benefit of war to pillage or grab natural resources, but it is to achieve victory by non-violent means and we must assure the republic lives forever! For Taiwan and for Quanyang!"

Quanyang is officially located in the United States and still officially protected by the military of the United States but still adapts the US Dollar and American laws as it is still American territory but still a proclaimed Taiwanese overseas territory.