Smith Creation Referendum

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During 2020 many people within Siplea were talking about creating a commercial district. Most of the internal trade within Siplea was made in Territory A however the HomE party decided to push forwards the creation of a new district that would specialise in commerce.


At first the Monissa party was apposed to it however after some talks, the three partys of Siplea agreed to make a bunch of reforms to change of the siplian lifestyle would oparete.

However the Monisa party didn't want to budge about Many of the plans. Due to this Kevin Smith of the HomE party proposed that all four of the possible reform routes would be voted apon by the citizens of Siplea. They would have 5 options either one of the routes discussed between the three party's that existed during this time period (HomE,Monissa,Tecnophonic) the fifth option was to simply not take any of the routes and continue as is.

The 3 MPs of Siplea voted apon making the decision a public referendum. The HomE and The Tecnophonic Party voted positively towards the referendum wile the MP belonging to the party Monissa voted against.

After the vote the referendum was announced. The Monissa party had a internal split wich caused the Monissa party to declare it would not run in the next elections. The Technophonic party had already achieved its goal earlier during 2020 therefore it also declared it would not run next year but this had nothing to do with the Smith creation referendum.


In the end the 2nd approach the "Swift Method" was chosen by over half of the Siplian voters. This ment that Territory D would be created. Due to there being 4 districts there needed to be 4 MPs however because the "Swift Method" was chosen there would be 5 MP's instead. This was because the majority of people of Siplea wanted there to be an odd number of MPs to reduce the chances of there being a stalemate when a major desicsion would be voted apon.

The Monissa party split into two new and separate parties that would later be known as Labs & Protect.

The Wilson Family had thrown a party in Territory A to celebrate the referendums results aswell as the achievement and disbandment of the Technophonic party.

Second 2020 elections

Due to the two new MP seats being created siplea needed to go for another round of elections for 2020.


Source of the name

The Smith Creation referendum got its name because Kevin Smith from the HomE party brought up the idea of using a referendum to settle the problems of both the creation of Territory D and the Political reforms that would have to follow.

See also

Siplea, 2019 Sipleain elections, 2020 Sipleain elections, 2nd 2020 Siplean elections,