Schalamzaari neo-paganism

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Schalamzaari Neo-Paganism
Current Goddess Goddess Kimberely
Religion Type Paganism

Schalamzaari Neo-paganism, is a religion developed in Schalamzaar Empire, a micronation with middle eastern culture. This religion is based on worshiping a living female deity.

The Goddess

The Goddess is a living female person, who accepted to be.

Theology of Religion

  1. Oneness of the Goddess : This religion can't accept more than one goddess at the same time.
  2. Justice
  3. Day of Judgment

Religious Laws

  1. Be kind
  2. Make all your paths level
  3. Don't assume
  4. Don't take things personally
  5. Keep the world clean
  6. Defend those who can't
  7. Pick up litter
  8. Be honest in your words and dealings
  9. Stand up for what's right!