Royal Camurian Army

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Position Major Micronational Military
Head Quarters Godricsun
Previous Conflicts Six
Current Conflicts None
Establishment 9 March 1968
Field Marshal His Majesty King Ian II
Official Language English

The Royal Camurian Army (commonly known as the Camurian Army) is one of the largest micronational military's, in terms of man power and equipment. The Camurian Army has a very strict system that is based around the current territorial holdings of the Camurian Empire. The Camurian Army is the oldest organ of the Camurian Armed Forces, and previously included what is now the Royal Camurian Navy until it was recognised as a separate force soon after the Army was established.

The Camurian Army is under the jurisdiction of the Defence Committee of the Minsitry of Defence. The Committee is the superior body of the Ministry of Defence, and in affect the highest leading body of the Camurian Armed Forces. The Committee consists of the Admiral of the Fleet (Naval Commander), Field Marshal (Army Commander), Minsiter of Defence and other Armed Forced commandes.


Royal Althacian Brigade - The Royal Althacian Brigade is split into the 1st Regiment, Royal Althacian Brigade and the 2nd Regiment, Royal Althacian Brigade, respectfully. Each Regiment charged with the protection of one of Althacia's two Baronies. Crown Prince Daniel of Althacia currently holds the title of Brigadier of the Royal Althacian Brigade and Major of the 1st Regiment, Royal Althacian Brigade. The Baroness of Madunon currently holds the position of Major of the 2nd Regiment, Royal Althacian Brigade.

Royal Godricsum Brigade - The Royal Godricsun Brigade is split into the 1st Regiment, Royal Godricsun Brigade and the 2nd Regiment, Royal Godricsun Brigade, respectfully. Each Regiment charged with the protection of one of the two Baronies on mainland Camuria, with the Baron of that particular Barony as Major of the Regiment. His Majesty King Ian II currently holds the position as Brigadier of the Royal Godricsun Brigade. Despite the name, the Brigade does not soly defend the capital, but is instead simply based in the city.

Royal Misthasian Brigade - The Royal Misthasian Brigade is split into the 1st Regiment, Royal Misthasian Brigade and the 2nd Regiment, Royal Misthasian Brigade, respectfully. This Brigade is not charged with the protection of the Misthasian Province's, but is simply based there. This Brigade is mainly moved throughout the Empire when required. Crown Princess Robyn is the current Brigadier of the Royal Misthasian Brigade, as Governor-General of the largest Misthasian Province, South Perisma.