Robert I, Despot of Acadia

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His Serene Grace
Robert I
Despot of Acadia
Commander of the Acadian People's Militia
HSG the Despot on a diplomatic mission to Dallas, USA.
1st Despot of Acadia
Assumed office
29 November 2011
Prime Minister Miranda McNamara
Personal information
Born 26 June 1994 (1994-06-26) (age 30)
Portland, Maine, USA
Citizenship Acadian, Conch Republic, American
Nationality United States of America
Residence Acadiopolis, Acadia
Religion Congregationalist

HSG Robert (born Robert P., Portland, ME, USA , June 26, 1994 - ) is the 1st and current Despot of Acadia. having held this position since the declaration of the Despotate on January 5, 2010.

Early years

Robert was born on June 26, 1994, in Maine, United States, into an upper middle class family. He grew up outside Portland, Maine in the small towns of South Freeport and North Yarmouth. His family is of mixed origin, but he can trace both Acadian and Quebecois ancestry, significantly back to Olivier Le Tardif, First Treasurer of Quebec appointed by the French King who sailed with Samuel de Champlain.

Due to the influence of his mother, Robert developed a liberal political viewpoint to which he holds deeply. He became deeply involved in politics through local volunteering, discussions, and activities available to him such as Congressional Debate and Model United Nations. Time at the latter activity stimulated his interest in the micronational field when he discovered their existence through his preparatory research.

Micronational career

Citizen of the Conch Republic

Stemming from his adherence to Jimmy Buffet's life view and a strong interest in the South Florida area, Robert became a citizen of the Conch Republic at a private ceremony in Virgin Gorda, British Virgin Islands, in 2007. Robert was not involved in Conch Republic politics during this time period, though, and has never visited the territory in question, although he fully supports their positions in principal.

Despotate of Acadia

Robert, along with several friends, led the establishment of the Despotate of Acadia on January 5, 2010 as Tea Party Republican Paul LePage was sworn in as Governor of the State of Maine. At this time he put forward all of the present territorial claims of the Despotate and declared Montreal to be the capital. The Despotate remained active at the local level protesting decisions of the Maine State Government which affected the happiness and ability of the Despotate to exist within Maine's borders as an enclave. In late 2011, Robert became aware of the larger online community of micronations, and, following consultation with available members of the Acadian Estates General, brought the Despotate online applying for membership to the Organisation of Active Micronations.

Regal Styles

  • His Serene Grace, Robert I, Despot of Acadia/Son Altesse, Robert I, Le Despote de l'Acadie (formal) January 5, 2010 – Present
  • His Serene Grace, Robert I of Acadia/Son Altesse, Robert I de l'Acadie (informal) January 5, 2010 – Present
  • His Serene Grace, Lord Robert/Son Altesse, Lord Robert (conversational) January 5, 2010 – Present
  • Lord Robert/Lord Robert (informal conversational) January 5, 2010 – Present


The inauguration of His Serene Grace as Despot of Acadia was completed by immersion in the waters of Lake Androscoggin in front of Camp Knot-a-Kare, the official summer palace and seat of government, on June 26, 2010, which, incidentally, was the Despot's 16th birthday, and thus the day he became a legal adult in Acadia allowing him to be officially coronated.

Reign to Date

Robert made some of his first policy actions in recognizing the full equal rights of homosexuals in the Despotate of Acadia, going so far as to designate Gay Pride Month a national holiday in its entirety. Gay marriage is fully permitted and equal under the law. Human rights as laid down in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights are fully recognized and supported by Acadia per Lord Robert's order.

Christianity was established as the official religion under Robert, but no denomination was specified and equal rights are afforded to all religious groups regardless of affiliation. Said religion was designated due to the common tradition of the Acadian people, not to exclude those who may not adhere to said belief system.

Public image and perception


For a period of approximately 8 months in late 2010 and early 2011, Lord Robert refused to fulfill the duties of his office in protest of actions seen as hostile to the Acadian state by unknown outside forces.

Popular Approval

While no opinion polls were taken of the citizens, no protests have been raised against Lord Robert's policies since his assumption of the throne.
