Res Publica SPQR Repubblica Romana

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Res Publica SPQR (Italian) Res Publica SPQR Repubblica Romana
Coat of Arms
Coat of Arms
Motto: Senatus PopulusQue Romanus
Anthem: Carmen Saeculare
Government: Meritocratic and Democratic Republic
Population: As of 07/01/10, 60
Date of foundation: 13 Febrary 2007
Independence Declaration: 1 March 2007
Founders: Caius Iulius Aquila, Caius Regolus Cicero, Antonius Aurelius Ottavianus
Senate's Prince: Caius Iulius Aquila
Consuls: Centurio Caius Gallus, Francesco Agricola Cato
Language: Italian, Latin
Demonym: Quirites
Religion: Christianity
National Animal Eagle, Wolf
Website: Official Website
This nation is a member of UMI and LOSS

The Res Publica SPQR is an Italian-speaking micronation formed by free voluntary association of individuals, that recognize in Rome not a place but their civilization, nurse of people and culture. The micronation was founded in February 13 A.D. 2007 by Caio Giulio Aquila, Caio Regolo Cicerone and Antonio Aurelio Ottaviano and declared itself independent and sovereign on March 1, with popular plebiscite.

Population is approximately 50 citizens (at the last election of vote 32 citizens/35 with vote's right).

Government and politic

The Res Public adopt a meritocratic and democratic political system and all institutions are elected by the people. The Head of State is the "Prince of Senate", now Caius Iulius Aquila, elected for 1 year. Heads of Government are the two "Consuls", now Centurio Caius Gallus and Francesco Agricola Cato, elected for 6 months.

The legislative power is the main task of the "Senate of the Republic" (elected for 6 months) and "People's Assembly" (advisory assembly composed by all of the citizens that are not Senators). The judiciary power is the task of the Justice Court.

Before the elections, with a referendum, the Roman people adopted the new Constitution that completed and replaced the previously temporary constitutional text.

Until January 2010 there are 4 parties in the Res Publica: Popularist Cesarian Movement (MPC), Democratic Liberal Party (PDL) allied in Roman Alliance; Popular communist Party (PCP) and Catilinarian Action's Party.

Foreign Relationship

Res Publica SPQR have a Treaty with Republic of Vitla, Cisalpine Republic, Kingdom of Utòpia, Aerican Empire, Cordial Kingdom of Kelterspruf, Inner Realm of Patria, Imperio Legìtimo de Vicea, Kingdom of Strathclyde, Empire of Leblandia, Kingdom of Barûle and Democratic Republic of Bobalania, Democratic Republic of Vitla, Moriel Empire, St. Charlie, Popolar Sovietic Republic, Italic Republic, Promolands, Free Community of Pasargada.

From the May 2008 Res Publica SPQR is a member of League of Secessionist State (LOSS) and is a founding member of the Union of Italophone Micronations (or Unione Micronazioni Italofone, UMI).

External links