Republic of the River Lagan Island
The Republic of the River Lagan Island, sometimes shortened to River Lagan Island or the RLI, is a European island micronation which borders Northern Ireland via a bridge. It is currently made up of one island and one islet
The nation's territory is relatively small. It claims the entirty of the River Lagan Island as well as Outreach Islet. A small amount of river terrioty has been claimed as well. This can be seen pictured below
The Nation's territory is located near the north of the River Lagan, on the outskirts of the city of Belfast in Northern Ireland. The exact location can be found here
The RLI is split in to 3 different counties. These are know as Eastern Border, Western Plains and the capital Central Lagan. Due to there currently being no buildings or settlements on the island as of January 2022, Central Lagan is instead acting as a temporary capital.
Out of these counties, Central Lagan is the biggest and Eastern border is the smallest
Both the island and islet are very flat. It is currently unknown what the highest point is, but it is not very far above sea level. The island is surrounded by the River Lagan. The two islands are separated by the Strait of Outreach. The biggest island of course is River Lagan Island, the smallest is Outreach Islet.
The Republic, as of 9 January 2022, has 2 citizens and a permanent population of 0. The amount of citizens is expected to rise to around 3-8 people. It is unknown when a pernament population will settle on the island. Citizens of the RLI are "Langanese". All current citizens are from Irish decent.
Forgein Affairs
Due to being unrecognised and unheard of by all UN member states, the Republic of the River Lagan Island currently has not engaged with any other nations
The nation is, however friendly with other Northen Ireland micronations. These are the Republic of Beechmount People and the Republic of Poleglass.
River Lagan Island is a presidential republic. Due to the lack of citizens, presidential duties are split between the two current citizens until a proper president is elected. A full political system will be put in place along side this
Notable places
Eastern National Park-Eastern Border & Central Lagan
The Eastern National Park is the first place you will see when you enter the nation. Located directly at the the border, the park features a dense forest with trees so big they stretch into Northen Ireland.
Riverview Point-Eastern Border
Located within the national park, Riverview Point is one of the few man made things on the island. The area includes a fence with a view onto the river and into Northern Ireland and a bench to relax and have a bite to eat
L1-Eastern Border
The L1 motorway is the only road in the entire country. Only accessible by bike or foot, the road connects the border to Riverview Point. To acsess any other parts of the island, you have to walk by foot
Border Bridge-Eastern Border
Located near the very top of the island, Border Bridge connects the island to Northen Ireland. It is the only part of the nation which touches the Island of Ireland
Outreach Islet & Strait of Outreach-Western Plains
Separated by a thin body of water, Outreach Islet is the western most point of the country. Due to its small size, it is uninhabited and will most definitely remain that way. The Strait of Outreach is what makes Outreach Islet an Islet. It is straight and man made, however no one knows who made it or why. The strait is the only body of water owned exclusively by the RLI