Republic of Verdisolia

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Republic of Verdisolia
Flag of Verdisolia
Anthem: "Horkstow Grange" (Proposed)
LocationCentral Ohio Valley, United States
• President
Ralph Grainger
LegislaturePeople's Assembly
• Independence
4 April 2023
Time zoneEST
• Summer (DST)
Date formatdd/mm/yyyy
Driving sideright
Calling code+1
Succeeded by
Draft:Ipsissium of Verdisolia

The Republic of Verdisolia, more commonly known as Verdisolia, is a micronation located in the Ohio Valley region of the United States, in North America. The nation is divided into communes, each responsible for local governance within their territories. Verdisolia was founded on April 4, 2023, by a group of eco-Marxist activists who sought to establish a society built on principles of environmental sustainability, social justice, and collective ownership.

Verdisolia's government is structured around a unicameral legislature called the People's Assembly, consisting of elected representatives from each commune who serve six-month terms. The Executive Council, led by President Ralph Grainger who took office on April 4, 2023, oversees the day-to-day administration of the nation. The President, elected for a one-year term, works alongside ministers in charge of various ministries, such as environmental protection, economic planning, and foreign affairs. The nation's judiciary is independent, with the Supreme Court of Environmental and Social Justice at the apex of the court system.

As part of the broader micronational movement, Verdisolia seeks to demonstrate the viability of an eco-Marxist society and to encourage other micronations and larger nations alike to adopt more sustainable and equitable practices. The nation's foreign policy revolves around establishing positive diplomatic relationships with other nations and international organizations, with an emphasis on promoting environmental sustainability and social justice on a global scale. Verdisolia's government aims to serve as a model of ecological stewardship and equitable governance for the world.


The name Verdisolia is derived from two components: "verdi" and "solia." The "verdi" component comes from the Latin word "viridis," which means "green" and is often associated with nature and environmentalism. The "solia" component is inspired by the Latin word "sol," meaning "sun," and is used to evoke a sense of energy, particularly in the context of solar power and renewable energy sources. Combined, the name "Verdisolia" is meant to represent a green and sustainable nation powered by the sun.


The history of Verdisolia encompasses the rich and diverse cultural, social, and political heritage of the region, spanning from the time of the indigenous population to the establishment of the eco-Marxist micronation.

Indigenous History

Long before the founding of Verdisolia, the region was home to an indigenous population. These communities thrived for thousands of years, living in harmony with the land and developing complex social structures, religious beliefs, and artistic traditions. The indigenous peoples of the region had a deep understanding of and respect for the natural world, and their sustainable practices ensured the health and vitality of their environment for generations.

Some of the indigenous communities that inhabited the region included the Shawnee, Cherokee, and Yuchi. These tribes developed sophisticated societies, engaging in trade, agriculture, and cultural exchange with neighboring peoples. Their legacy of stewardship and connection to the land continues to influence the principles and values of modern Verdisolia.

Founding of Verdisolia

The Republic of Verdisolia was established in response to growing concerns about climate change, social inequality, and the unsustainable nature of global capitalism. The founders of Verdisolia, led by Ralph Grainger, sought to create a micronation based on eco-Marxist principles, with the goal of fostering environmental sustainability, social justice, and collective ownership.

Political Development

Verdisolia's political landscape has been shaped by the interplay between the two primary parties, the Neo-Luddite Resistance Party and the United Eco-Marxist Party. These parties represent distinct ideologies and policy goals, yet both contribute to the nation's vibrant political discourse and democratic process.

Throughout its short history, Verdisolia has remained committed to the principles of eco-Marxism, prioritizing environmental stewardship, social justice, and collective ownership in all aspects of its governance. The nation's political institutions, including the People's Assembly and the Supreme Court of Environmental and Social Justice, have been established to ensure that these principles are upheld and enacted throughout the nation.

Politics and government

The government of the Republic of Verdisolia, officially known as the People's Republic of Verdisolia, is an eco-Marxist micronation founded on April 4, 2023. The nation's governmental structure is composed of three branches: the legislature, the executive, and the judiciary.


The legislature of Verdisolia is a unicameral body known as the People's Assembly. The Assembly is composed of elected representatives from each of the nation's communes, with members serving six-month terms. The People's Assembly is responsible for drafting legislation, approving budgets, and setting national policies in line with the founding principles of the Republic.


The Executive Council of Verdisolia is led by the President, who serves as both the head of state and head of government. Ralph Grainger is the current President of the Republic, elected by popular vote for a one-year term. The President is responsible for the day-to-day administration of the country, with the support of ministers who make up the Executive Council. These ministers, appointed by the President and approved by the People's Assembly, oversee various ministries that support governmental operation.


The judiciary of Verdisolia is an independent branch of government, responsible for interpreting and enforcing the nation's laws. The highest court is the Supreme Court of Environmental and Social Justice, composed of judges appointed by the President and approved by the People's Assembly.

Political Culture

The political culture of the Republic of Verdisolia is deeply rooted in eco-Marxist principles. The government is committed to ensuring collective ownership of the means of production, equitable distribution of resources, and the preservation and restoration of the natural environment. These principles guide the government's actions and policies, as well as the daily lives of the citizens of Verdisolia.

Administrative regions

The Republic of Verdisolia has established a system of political subdivisions to manage its governance and ensure that its eco-Marxist principles are upheld throughout the nation. The main types of constituencies in Verdisolia are communes and territories.


Communes are the primary political subdivisions in Verdisolia, functioning as local governing bodies and administrative units. Each commune is responsible for implementing the eco-Marxist policies of the national government at the local level, ensuring that the principles of environmental sustainability, social justice, and collective ownership are applied throughout the community. Communes are led by elected councils, which have the authority to make decisions on local matters such as resource management, land use, and public services.

Communes also serve as the basis for representation in the national government. Citizens elect representatives from their communes to serve in the People's Assembly, Verdisolia's unicameral legislature.


Territories in Verdisolia are areas that have been designated for potential future expansion or for special purposes, such as conservation or research. Unlike communes, territories do not have local governing bodies or representation in the People's Assembly. Instead, they are administered directly by the national government through the appropriate ministries, such as the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Sustainability or the Ministry of Economic Planning and Development.

Territories may be established for various reasons, such as preserving critical ecosystems, promoting sustainable development projects, or supporting scientific research on environmental issues. The national government is responsible for managing these areas in accordance with the eco-Marxist principles of Verdisolia, ensuring that their use aligns with the nation's commitment to environmental stewardship and social justice.

Flag Arms
Name Area Population Officials
Arboria Commune
Solisara Research Territory

Geography and climate

The terrain of Verdisolia, located in the Ohio Valley region of the United States, is characterized by a mix of rolling hills and fertile valleys. The landscape is predominantly covered by deciduous trees, with a rich variety of tree species such as oak, maple, and hickory. Verdisolia's terrain is well-suited for sustainable agriculture, which plays a vital role in the micronation's eco-Marxist principles.

Verdisolia experiences a humid continental climate, with four distinct seasons. Winters are generally cold, with average temperatures ranging from 20 °F to 40 °F (-7 °C to 4 °C). Summers are warm and humid, with average temperatures ranging from 70 °F to 85 °F (21 °C to 29 °C). The region receives moderate precipitation throughout the year, with an annual average of 40 to 45 inches (1,000 to 1,140 millimeters). Snowfall during winter months can occasionally be significant.

Weather in Verdisolia is influenced by its location in the Ohio Valley. The region experiences relatively stable weather patterns, with occasional severe thunderstorms and tornadoes during the spring and summer months. The Great Lakes can also impact the weather in Verdisolia, bringing lake-effect snow and rain to the region during the winter months.

Verdisolia is entirely contained within plant hardiness zone 6b, as classified by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). This zone is characterized by average annual extreme minimum temperatures ranging between -5 °F and 0 °F (-20.6 °C and -17.8 °C). The climate in zone 6b allows for a diverse range of plant species to thrive, including various fruit trees, vegetable crops, and ornamental plants.


Verdisolia's economic activities are predominantly focused on sustainable agriculture and environmentally-conscious manufacturing.

A significant portion of Verdisolia's economy is based on sustainable agriculture, with an emphasis on organic farming practices and permaculture principles. The nation's fertile lands and diverse plant species support a wide range of crops, including fruits, vegetables, and native wildflowers. The government encourages the establishment of community-supported agriculture (CSA) initiatives and provides resources and education for citizens to promote local food production and self-sufficiency.

The government supports fair trade practices and encourages the development of cooperative enterprises. In international trade, Verdisolia seeks to establish partnerships with other nations and organizations that share its commitment to environmental sustainability and social justice.


The Republic of Verdisolia, a sovereign nation, has adopted its own official currency, known as the Solaris (symbol: S). The Solaris is utilized for transactions within the country, providing a unified and stable means of exchange for goods and services. The Solaris was established through the "Establishment of the Ministry of the Treasury and the Verdisolian Central Bank Act," which was passed by the People's Assembly. The bill's voting results showed 12 votes in favor and 3 votes against.

The Solaris was created as a digital-only currency under the supervision of the Verdisolian Central Bank, which operates under the oversight of the Ministry of the Treasury. The Ministry of the Treasury is responsible for managing the financial resources and fiscal policies of the Republic of Verdisolia, including budgeting, taxation, debt management, and financial regulation. The Verdisolian Central Bank is responsible for implementing monetary policy as determined by the Ministry of the Treasury, issuing and regulating the Solaris, ensuring the stability of the financial system, and supervising and regulating financial institutions operating within the Republic of Verdisolia.

As a digital-only currency, the Solaris minimizes its environmental impact by reducing the need for physical currency production. However, the Ministry of the Treasury is required to submit a report to the People's Assembly detailing an environmentally-neutral method of producing physical currency, should the need arise. The People's Assembly will then have the authority to approve the creation of a physical currency, with denominations determined by the Ministry of the Treasury in consultation with the State Bank of Verdisolia.

In order to facilitate the use of the Solaris in digital form, the Verdisolian Central Bank has established an online banking platform that provides access to banking services for all citizens of Verdisolia.

As of the most recent data, there are S 9,000,000,000.00 in circulation within the Republic of Verdisolia. In a further effort to promote economic stability and social equity, the Ministry of the Treasury is actively working on the design and implementation of a pay scale for each job within the Republic. This pay scale aims to ensure fair and equitable pay for all citizens, regardless of their occupation. By establishing standardized remuneration rates based on factors such as skill level, experience, and job responsibilities, the Ministry of the Treasury seeks to create a more inclusive and balanced economic environment for the people of Verdisolia.

Verdisolian Community Radio (VCR)

Verdisolia has an established communication service called the Verdisolian Community Radio (VCR). The VCR utilizes high-frequency (HF) radio technology, along with Very High Frequency (VHF) and Ultra High Frequency (UHF) capabilities, to establish reliable and decentralized communication channels throughout the nation.

The VCR allows citizens to connect, share ideas, and collaborate. By incorporating digital communication modes like FT8 and JS8Call, the VCR offers flexibility in communication. Citizens can engage in real-time voice conversations, exchange short messages, and participate in discussions or emergency communications using the Verdisolian Community Radio network.

To facilitate effective communication within Verdisolia, commonly used frequencies have been established. Below are the commonly used frequencies for Verdisolian communication:

Band Frequency Purpose Additional Information
15m 21.074 MHz FT8
15m 21.078 MHz JS8Call Verdisolians all utilize the callgroup @VERDI.
15m 21.030 MHz CW
15m 21.035 MHz PSK-250R News, governmental updates, and documents are transmitted through PSK-250R on this frequency.
15m 21.254 MHz SSB Phone SSB phone operation occurs in Upper Side Band (USB).
40m 7.074 MHz FT8
40m 7.078 MHz JS8Call Verdisolians all utilize the callgroup @VERDI.
40m 7.030 MHz CW
40m 7.035 MHz PSK-250R News, governmental updates, and documents are transmitted through PSK-250R on this frequency.
40m 7.254 MHz SSB Phone SSB phone operation occurs in Lower Side Band (LSB).

The Verdisolian Community Radio emphasizes efficiency and resilience, utilizing radio waves to reduce environmental impact while promoting connectivity. Through this communication service, Verdisolia aims to empower its citizens and foster stronger connections within the community.

The Service also employs digital communication modes such as FLmsg and FLDigi, utilizing the robust PSK-250r protocol. PSK-250R is a reliable and efficient digital mode that allows for the transmission of messages even under challenging propagation conditions. Its high tolerance to noise and ability to maintain communication with weak signals make it a preferred choice for Verdisolian communications.

The advantages of PSK-250R in Verdisolia's communication system include its ability to transmit text, images, and files, making it versatile for various information exchange needs. The protocol's error-checking mechanisms and forward error correction ensure accurate and reliable message delivery. This makes PSK-250R particularly suitable for disseminating news and important updates across the nation.

Verdisolia utilizes the FLmsg software in conjunction with FLDigi to facilitate efficient message handling. FLmsg enables the creation and transmission of structured messages, ensuring standardized formats and enhancing communication clarity. Combined with FLDigi's powerful decoding and encoding capabilities, Verdisolian citizens can easily send and receive messages through the Verdisolian Community Radio network.

Furthermore, the government of Verdisolia utilizes the VCR and digital communication modes for official communications. News and updates from the government are disseminated using the FLmsg protocol, allowing for efficient and organized transmission of important information to citizens. This ensures that all citizens are well-informed and engaged in matters relevant to the nation's governance.