Republic of Luytena

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Republic of Luytena
Coat of arms
Ostend Ostend, Belgium
Official languagesGerman, English
GovernmentUnitarian Republic
• Vice-President
Alex Guillaume Schmitz
• President
Robin Vercauteren Lenaerts
CurrencyEuro (de facto)


The Republic of Luytena, more commonly known as Luytena, is a micronation in Belgium, created on January 10, 2022, in honor of Luyten von Ostend, who died in a car accident at Christmas 2021.

It is a unitary republic that is in the process of drafting its own constitution and forming a stable government.


The Republic of Luyten is a tribute from the two founders, Alex Guillaume Schmitz and Robin Vercauteren Lenaerts, to their great friend and party companion, Luyten von Oostend.


In early 2022, two friends decided to create a micro-nation in tribute to their best friend, who died in a car accident at Christmas 2021.

Politics and government

Law and order

Foreign relations


Geography and climate

Luyten is located in the Belgian city of Ostend.


The Euro is the de facto official currency of Luyten, pending the next stable government to start laying the foundations for an independent economy.

Culture and media

See also

External links