Republic of Abyei

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Republic of Abyei
Coat of arms
Motto: !متحدون للأبد تحت راية واحدة United Forever Under One Banner!
Anthem: Hymn of the Republic
Official languagesArabic
• President
• Prime Minister
Establishment6th of March 2023
• Census
None as of now
CurrencyAbyeian Pound

The Republic of Abyei (Arabic: جمهورية أبيي) is a satellite state of the Communist Relanian Union. It originally started as a Federal Socialist Republic of the C.R.U and was formed into a satellite state on the 6th of March 2023.


Start as a FSR of the Communist Relanian Union

On the 17th of January 2016, the Republic started off as a Federal Socialist Republic of the C.R.U. It was led by Abbas Ahmad, a former Sudanese friend of Premier Marian Feher of the Communist Relanian Union, until his death in 2017 due to a lung infection. Leadership was passed down to Abbas' cousin Abd al-Uzza Ayad but only lasted 2 years.

Occupation and Liberation

In 2019, war was declared on the Communist Relanian Union by the 1st Federation of Imperium leading to the occupation of the FSR. It was only occupied for 19 days as a result of the Tieneskiv Counter Offensive resulting in the recapture and liberation of the area. It occurred on the 20th day of the war, 3 days before the war had ended.

Cobra Blood Crisis

On the 27th of October 2020, a group known as Cobra Blood claimed the FSR of Abyei was now theirs as the 'Federal Republic of Abyei' until the 8th of November when it collapsed.

Re-discovery and Independence

Due to the inactivity of the FSR, it was forgotten until it was re-discovered by the Premier whilst looking at old maps of the C.R.U. It was re-discovered on the 24th of February 2023 and on the 7th of March it was allowed Independence as a satellite state of the C.R.U.

Re-Incorporation into the C.R.U

On the 29th of April 2023, the Republic of Abyei was re-incorporated into the C.R.U as a FSR.