Ranahan canon

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A generic Ranahan symbol.

Ranahan canon is the material (stories, prophecies, descriptions, timelines, etc.) accepted as officially part of Ranaist teachings and culture. Specifically, major parts of the Ranahan canon are the Eadorno and other scriptures written by those who practice the religion. Notably, Liber Ranarum had become a major scripture in Ranahan canon. Two of the four books being written for Liber Ranarum have been completed.

Ranahan canon regarding scriptures

Ranahan canon regarding the Eadorno

Everything stated in the Eadorno is fact in Ranahan canon. Notably, an expansion to the Eadorno meant to expand upon the Great Wars, titled 'GWTW' ( pronounced 'gaw taw' ), likely spelled using acronyms for 'Great War Time Line' is a timeline of all twenty battles of the Great War, including a spot for a four year long peacetime with tension. It is assumed that this timeline is one hundred percent canon to Ranaism.

Ranahan canon regarding Liber Ranarum

On the first page of Liber Ranarum, excluding the cover, there is a disclaimer stating that in the scripture, there will be not only holes in the story and contradictions throughout the text, but there would even be blatant exaggerations and lies, purportedly to test the reader's faith. References to people in Biblical canon including Moses - referenced in The Beginning - and Jesus Christ - referenced in The Wisdom - are considered non-canon. Verses 21-24 of The Wisdom state the following regarding Jesus Christ;

And a messiah did come, Jesus Christ.

But he wasn’t so liked because he was into Christianity, or something.

He was thrown into a guillotine before he could spread his views.

However, they didn’t want to hurt him too badly, so the King ordered that wine be poured on his neck so that he could receive less pain.

— The Wisdom, verses 21-24, Liber Ranarum

Ranahan canon regarding The Beginning

In The Beginning, the first book of Liber Ranarum, it is stated that Sha-Sha created the Earth and its inhabitants, which were initially frogs, which he did purportedly call 'humans.' It is assumed that this is factual in Ranahan canon, however the humor in these verses can also be used as an argument to claim that it is non-canon.