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Republic of Amberiana Board of Advisors (RABA)
Founded13 March 2023
Disbanded27 April 2023
Preceded byAdvisory Board of the Second Empire of Amberiana (ABSEA)
New session started
13 March 2023
President of Amberiana
Vice President of Amberiana
(Temporary) Amber, AFP
Secretary of RABA
(Temporary) Amber, AFP
Length of term
1 (one) year

The Republic of Amberiana Board of Advisors (RABA) is an advisory board to help the president make decisions, and to guarantee the representation of any and every citizen and non-citizen of Amberiana. There is not a term limit to RABA, this is because there may be someone who is extraordinary at their job, and citizens may want to keep them in the position for a long time. A RABA board member can only be removed forcefully if either they are causing harm to people purposefully, or if they are deemed unfit or unable to do their job. There are two departments that do not have to attend meetings. This is due to the confidentiality of the two departments. The departments that are not required to go to meetings are the Technology and Cybersecurity Department of RABA and the RABA Department of Espionage.


There is not much history to RABA, but there was a lot of building up to the formation of it.

RABA was preceded by ABSEA (Advisory Board of the Second Empire of Amberiana). ABSEA was an advisory board that was created during the time of the Second Empire of Amberiana. This board was created to help the empress, who is now the president of the republic, Amber I of Amberiana, run the nation. At the time of the collapse of the second empire, the empress was still in the process of creating and refining ABSEA. Most of the rules, regulations, and policies of ABSEA moved onto RABA. However, with not much having been accomplished for ABSEA before the collapse of the empire, there was still much more work to do.


There are multiple departments of RABA. These being Military, Economy, Health and Safety, National Security, Science, Human and Civil Rights, Technology and Cybersecurity, Foreign Relations, Espionage, and Education.

Each department has 1 head, an advisor. There are two exceptions to this rule, the health and safety department, and the board of education. The health and safety department will get 3 advisors voted in. The board of education is run by governors. If there are not enough people running for the position for 3 advisors to be voted in for the health and safety department, there will be one advisor with multiple titles in the health department. Most advisors will have other advisors under them, who they will select from someone either in their party, or someone who was in the elections for RABA. Once an advisor is voted out of office, the junior officers they put in place will follow unless either the advisor was voted out by the junior advisors, in which case, they will simply be there until the end of the new advisor's term, or they are the junior advisor of a classified department. The junior advisors for classified departments are in place for life after they are put in office. This means that these people must go through an extra lengthy process of selection, needing to be approved by not only the advisor of the branch they'll be working for, but also the president, vice president, and secretary of RABA.

Military Department of RABA

The military department of RABA is lead by the Military Advisor of RABA(MARABA). Under the MARABA is a junior advisor for each department of the military. The junior advisors under the MARABA are as follows: JMAN(Junior Military Advisor of the Navy), JMAA(Junior Military Advisor of the Army), JMAAF(Junior Military Advisor of the Air Force), JMASF(Junior Military Advisor of the Special Forces), and JMASFA(Junior Military Advisor of the SFA). Also under the MARABA is JMAPF, the Junior Military Advisor of the Police Force. Each of these junior advisors will create bills concerning their branch of military, as well as communicate with their fellow JMAs to help with military issues and operations.

The MARABA will sign off on any bills by the JMAs, as well as allocate funding as they see fit. However, if the JMAs feel as though the MARABA is not representing them, or treating their department poorly, they may call for another round of voting to replace the current MARABA. Three of the six JMAs must vote for a replacement for a new vote to take place.

Title Party Position
President Amber Amberiana Founder's Party MARABA
President Amber Amberiana Founder's Party JMAN
President Amber Amberiana Founder's Party JMAA
President Amber Amberiana Founder's Party JMAAF
President Amber Amberiana Founder's Party JMASF
President Amber Amberiana Founder's Party JMASFA
President Amber Amberiana Founder's Party JMAPF

Economic Department of RABA

The economic department of RABA is lead by the Economic Advisor of RABA(EARABA). Under the EARABA is a junior advisor for different departments of finances of the nation. The junior advisors under the EARABA are as follows: JEAA(Junior Economic Advisor of Accounting), JEAT(Junior Economic Advisor of Taxation), and JEAGS(Junior Economic Advisor of Government Spending). The job of the JEAs is to make sure the economy is healthy, and to make sure the government cannot spend too much taxpayer money. It also enacts new taxes, as well as removes others as they see fit.

The EARABA will sign off on any bills or taxes that the JEAs implement. They will also decide how much money each branch of RABA gets. If the JEAs feel as though the EARABA is not representing them, or treating their department poorly, they may call for another round of voting to replace the current EARABA. Two of the three JEAs must vote for a replacement for a new vote to take place.

Title Party Position
President Amber Amberiana Founder's Party EARABA
President Amber Amberiana Founder's Party JEAA
President Amber Amberiana Founder's Party JEAT
President Amber Amberiana Founder's Party JEAGS

Health and Safety Department of RABA

The health and safety department of RABA is lead by RABA's Health Board (RABAHB). The health and safety department is the only department in which multiple advisors will be voted in. Under the RABAHB are junior advisors for different departments of the health and safety department. The junior advisors under the RABAHB are as follows: JHADC(Junior Health Advisor of Disease Control), JHAVR(Junior Health Advisor of Vaccination Research), JHAFS(Junior Health Advisor of Food Safety), and JHADBS(Junior Health Advisor of Death and Birth Statistics). The JHAs will investigate the topics surrounding their titles, then plan and act accordingly. They will enact new laws, remove old laws, and rework current laws, all to ensure the safety and welfare of any and all Amberianans.

The RABAHB will sign off on any bills that the JHAs will create. They will also allocate funding as they see fit. These three people have the titles of Senior Health Advisor(SHA), Assistant Health Advisor(AHA), and Secretary to the Senior Health Advisor(SSHA). The SHA will sign off on bills or reject them, the AHA will allocate funding, and the SSHA will do the job of either the SHA or AHA when they are unfit to do their job properly. They will also fill the role of either of the positions if they are unfilled.

The JHAs have the right to get rid of any board member(s) if they feel as though they are not being represented, or their department is being treated poorly. Two of the four departments must agree to another round of voting for a new vote to take place.

Title Party Position
President Amber Amberiana Founder's Party SHA
President Amber Amberiana Founder's Party AHA
President Amber Amberiana Founder's Party SSHA
President Amber Amberiana Founder's Party JHADC
President Amber Amberiana Founder's Party JHAVR
President Amber Amberiana Founder's Party JHAFS
President Amber Amberiana Founder's Party JHADBS

National Security Department of RABA

The national security department of RABA is lead by the RABA Head of National Security (RABAHNS). The job of the RABAHNS and their junior advisors is to assess terrorist threats and eliminate them, as well as to prevent espionage attempts from other nations. The RABAHNS will have junior advisors under them for each department of the national security department. The junior advisors under the RABAHNS are as follows: NSOIT(National Security Officer of International Terrorism), NSOFE(National Security Officer of Foreign Espionage), NSOC(National Security Officer of Cyberterrorism), and NSODT(National Security Officer of Domestic Terrorism). It is the job of the NSOs to sign bills that help prevent terrorism and keep Amberianans safe.

The RABAHNS will sign off on any bills that the NSOs write. They will also decide how much funding each branch of the national security department gets. The NSOs may get rid of the RABAHNS if they feel as thought they are not being represented or their department is being treated poorly. Two of the four NSOs must agree to another round of voting for a new vote to take place.

Title Party Position
President Amber Amberiana Founder's Party RABAHNS
President Amber Amberiana Founder's Party NSOIT
President Amber Amberiana Founder's Party NSOFE
President Amber Amberiana Founder's Party NSOC
President Amber Amberiana Founder's Party NSODT

RABA Department of Science

The RABA department of science is lead by the Head of Science and Research of Amberiana (HSRA). The job of the HSRA is to assess the scientific needs of the nation and address them. They also help each department research and develop new technologies as needed. Under the HSRA is a group of junior advisors. The junior advisors under the HSRA are as follows: SDW(Science Department of Weaponry), SDH(Science Department of Health), SDE(Science Department of Economics), PMHD(Psychology and Mental Health Department), SDTC(Science Department of Technology and Cybersecurity), RDS(Robotics Department of Science), and EPD(Energy and Power Department). It is the job of the different science departments to research different topics and use their knowledge to the benefit of the nation and her allies.

The HSRA will document any and all findings by any of the science departments and share them with the proper department(s) of RABA, as well as give them to the president if they are needed by the allies of Amberiana. They will also allocate funds to the different departments of science as they see fit. The department heads may choose to get rid of the HSRA if they feel as though they are not being represented or their department is being treated poorly. Three of the seven department heads may call for a new vote for a new vote to take place.

Title Party Position
President Amber Amberiana Founder's Party HSRA
President Amber Amberiana Founder's Party Head of the SDW
President Amber Amberiana Founder's Party Head of the SDH
President Amber Amberiana Founder's Party Head of the SDE
President Amber Amberiana Founder's Party Head of the PMHD
President Amber Amberiana Founder's Party Head of the SDTC
President Amber Amberiana Founder's Party Head of the EPD

Human and Civil Rights Department of RABA

The human and civil rights department is led by the secretary of RABA, though their title when referring to the human and civil rights department will be the Head of Human Rights of Amberiana (HHRA). The job of the HHRA is to assess and determine the shortcomings of the government in the protection of human and civil rights and address them appropriately. This is one of three positions that have a longer term than one year, as the vote to determine the secretary of RABA happens every 8 years, along with the president and vice president of Amberiana. This is also the first of two departments with no junior advisors in it. This is due to the HSRA and their PMHD and SDH will determine the protection of civil and human rights, then pass their findings onto the HHRA. The HHRA will then discuss their findings with the RABAHNS, EARABA, and MARABA.

Title Party Position
President Amber Amberiana Founder's Party Secretary of RABA/HHRA

Technology and Cybersecurity Department of RABA

The technology and cybersecurity department is led by the Head of Cybersecurity of Amberiana (HCA). Though there are many things that the HCA does, and there are junior advisors under them, everything that the technology and cybersecurity department does is classified. This is to ensure the information does not fall into the hands of the wrong people. This is the second position that has a longer term than one year. This is due to the classified information that whoever is in this department will deal with. Once someone is voted into this position, they are in it for life.

If the HCA dies before the next round of voting for RABA, the position will be held by the president of Amberiana until a new HCA can be voted in.

Title Party Position
President Amber Amberiana Founder's Party HCA

Foreign Relations Department of RABA

The foreign relations department of RABA is led by the Foreign Relations Ministry (FRM). This is the only department that is not voted on, but applied for. For one to be in the FRM, they must apply for the position, then they will be interviewed by the HHRA, MARABA, president of Amberiana, and vice president of Amberiana. These will all be separate interviews, and it is to make sure the person interviewing will not be placing the nation in jeopardy with any actions they may want to take with other nations. This is also the second of the two departments that does not have junior advisors. During RABA meetings, the FRM will choose a delegate to send to the meeting that will represent the entire department.

RABA Department of Espionage

The RABA department of espionage is led by the Managing Director of Espionage (MDE). This is the second of the two departments that are completely classified. This is to ensure that any plans that the MDE and their junior advisors may have do not get released. This is the third position that has a term longer than one year, as the person who is voted into this position is in it for life.

Title Party Position
President Amber Amberiana Founder's Party MDE

Amberianan Board of Education

The Amberianan Board of Education (ABE) is led by the governor of each district. The ABE is the only department that does not have some sort of elections on the national level. This is to prevent the ideals of someone in one district affecting the children of another district. Each member of the ABE must attend each meeting of RABA. Each member of the ABE may choose their own cabinet out of other politicians. These politicians can be politicians on either the national or local level. The ABE do not have any junior advisors, as they simply hire teachers and administration for the different schools in their district.

Each district of Amberiana must have the same curriculum. This is to prevent a lack of education due to legislation being passed by local politicians. However, certain schools may have different curriculums under special circumstances. This can be things like if it is a school that works specifically with special education, if it is a specialty school (i.e. an art school, a technology school, an aviation school, etc.) Under these circumstances, a school like this may open with permission from the national government.

RABA Members

Title Party Position
President Amber Amberiana Founder's Party MARABA
President Amber Amberiana Founder's Party EARABA
President Amber Amberiana Founder's Party SHA
President Amber Amberiana Founder's Party AHA
President Amber Amberiana Founder's Party SSHA
President Amber Amberiana Founder's Party RABAHNS
President Amber Amberiana Founder's Party HSRA
President Amber Amberiana Founder's Party Secretary of RABA/HHRA
President Amber Amberiana Founder's Party HCA
President Amber Amberiana Founder's Party Vice President/MDE

Junior Advisors

Title Party Position
President Amber Amberiana Founder's Party JMAN
President Amber Amberiana Founder's Party JMAA
President Amber Amberiana Founder's Party JMAAF
President Amber Amberiana Founder's Party JMASF
President Amber Amberiana Founder's Party JMASFA
President Amber Amberiana Founder's Party JMAPF
President Amber Amberiana Founder's Party JEAA
President Amber Amberiana Founder's Party JEAT
President Amber Amberiana Founder's Party JEAGS
President Amber Amberiana Founder's Party JHADC
President Amber Amberiana Founder's Party JHAVR
President Amber Amberiana Founder's Party JHAFS
President Amber Amberiana Founder's Party JHADBS
President Amber Amberiana Founder's Party NSOIT
President Amber Amberiana Founder's Party NSOFE
President Amber Amberiana Founder's Party NSOC
President Amber Amberiana Founder's Party NSODT
President Amber Amberiana Founder's Party Head of the SDW
President Amber Amberiana Founder's Party Head of the SDH
President Amber Amberiana Founder's Party Head of the SDE
President Amber Amberiana Founder's Party Head of the PMHD
President Amber Amberiana Founder's Party Head of the SDTC
President Amber Amberiana Founder's Party Head of the EPD

ABE Members

Title Party Position
President Amber Amberiana Founder's Party Amberiana City Head of Education
President Amber Amberiana Founder's Party New Lambertville Head of Education
President Amber Amberiana Founder's Party District of Luna Head of Education
President Amber Amberiana Founder's Party Whitetrail Head of Education