Protests of 1946 in Registan

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The Protests of 1946 in Registan were the biggest protests in Registan's history. More than 40,000 protesters went out to the streets of Apanika, the capital of Registan, and demanded for America to stop creating the new government they wished for.


Regists have had their kids tell other kids in school to tell their parents to help with the protest, to erase the Americans from the country. Many accepted, it spread to the rural areas of the country, so many then boat to Apanika to start.

Early Protests

The first protests were one of the most violent ones. 10,000 Regists left from their homes. Asasha Nimanya inspired the crowd to grow, by saying these few words while holding the flag of Registan:

Registan is our beautiful mother, which can survive through the desert, plains, swamps, and the high mountainous lands. Our mother can deal will other parents, like the Americans and Nazis that always fought! Registan is not a toy that you can claim, it is a land where the Regists control. No Americans, no Germans may seize this land. This is in the name of Regists, no one can make us their kind. We are our own. With the power of Registan, we will end the foreign invaders presence in Registan, once and for all!