Progressive degree

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A progressive degree is a university degree available at three levels (Diplomate's Degree, Professional's Degree, and Scholar's Degree), which allows the opening of doors now partially shut, or entirely shut, to educated people to practice a profession that may now be monopolised.

Thanks to progressive degrees, now you can actually earn the highest health degree possible, the highest law degree possible, the Scholar's Degree or SD, and once you've earned your degree, you won't have to ask permission from the local tyrant to work! No more "doctors" who still need government licenses. No more "doctors" who don't actually teach.


There are three basic levels of traditional degrees:

  • Bachelor's degrees
  • Master's degrees
  • Doctorate degrees

There are also three new levels of corresponding progressive degrees:

  • Diplomate's Degree (DD)
  • Professional's Degree (PD)
  • Scholar's Degree (SD)


The first progressive degree was awarded by William Cullen Bryant University on 15/03/2010. It was a Diplomate's Degree (DD), which is the equivalent academic degree of a bachelor's degree.

The world's first Scholar's Degree (SD), on the other hand, the academic equivalent of a PhD, was awarded by Saint René Descartes University on 17/06/2010.

Since then, other honorary Scholar's Degrees or SDs have been awarded by Saint René Descartes University.

See also

External links