Petty Officer Third Class (Blazdonia)

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Petty Officer Third Class

A Petty Officer Third Class (PO3) is an enlisted rank in the Royal Blazdonian Navy. It is considered a non-commissioned officer rank and represents an intermediate level of leadership and responsibility.


Petty Officers Third Class are experienced sailors who have demonstrated proficiency in their assigned duties. They often serve as team leaders or supervisors within their departments or divisions. They are responsible for training and mentoring junior sailors, ensuring the completion of assigned tasks, and maintaining discipline and order.

Rank Insignia and Uniform

Petty Officers Third Class wear rank insignia that typically consists of a chevron with a single arc. The chevron and arc are usually red or crimson in color and are worn on the upper sleeve of the uniform. The specific design and placement may vary depending on the dress uniform or working uniform.

Promotion and Career Progression

Promotion from Petty Officer Third Class to the next rank, Petty Officer Second Class, is based on a combination of factors including time in service, performance evaluations, and completion of required training. Petty Officers Third Class can advance their careers by acquiring additional skills, qualifications, and leadership experience through specialized training and assignments.

See Also