Northwest Federal

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Northwest is a federal state under East Evinsa.Capital of Northwest is Frankopolis.Frankopolis is also the largest city of East Evinsa.

Frankopolis was a part of traditional house management as well but we took it from them and made the managers president of Frankopolis.They still manages every part as traditional house and garden but Frankopolis is managed under East Evinsa reglation so when they achieve an order from East Noelamsterdam they do not have right to reject.Beside this they are responsible to apply federal laws of Northwest covered with East Evinsa law.

Transportation in Northwest made by on food and by vehicles of East Evinsa Ministry of Transport and Communication.Northwest Federal Civil Transport Office has a center in Frankopolis motorway where vehicles leave to start a journey to East Noelamsterdam (Mainland) or to the Alps (Northwest)

Northwest made up by five cities and towns which are Densmarks, Rivera, Frankopolis, Alps and Sorvey.

Northwest Federal has a developed transportation system. Frankopolis is the center for transportation for all Northwestern lands. Rivera is 15–20 minutes away from Frankopolis by walking through Queen's Road but as an example, Sorvey is more far from Rivera where passengers need to use vehicles of Northwestern Federal Airways which is a company operated under Ministry of Transport and Communication.

Since the East Evinsa took the Northwest, East Evinsa Economy gained so much increase because 75% of the trade takes place in Frankopolis. There are many companies, business centers and production centers in Frankopolis that is why Frankopolis is known for the business center of the East Evinsa as well as the largest city. Even the olives that are collected at Sorvey city are transeffered to Frankopolis via vehicles in order to start operations for the best olive production within the companies found at National Trade Center, Frankopolis. In addition to trade centers, Northwest Federal Bank which is operated under Ministry of Finance is the top bank in the East Evinsa which is an investment bank that saves money under serious regulations and unique law of Northwest Federal Courts. Frankopolis is accepted as headquarters of the bank but the real headquarters is found two minute away from the Frankopolis, within the East Evinsa High Commission for the areas of the Nortwest where government does not have a control over.