New Prussia Civil War

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New Prussia Civil War
Date11/12/20 through 11/18/2020
Die National Socialist Empire of New Prussia and its various reichsportektoares
Other factions in South Bend
Commanders and leaders

The New Prussia Civil War is the ongoing war between the factions of Femboy New Prussia and the New Prussian Davidians, the Davidians believe that Furher James' Femboy nature has polluted the nation of New Prussia and should be purged from the great Prussian Empire. The Femboy Prussians accept James' nature, and think that the Davidians are traitors to the 'rightful' leadership of Furher James.

Factions in the War



Invasion of Woohoo / Wuhu

On 14 November 2020, Davidian Forces invaded the New Prussian Woohoo Reichskommisariat, as an offensive in order to cripple Wuhan Kommisariat help to the Femboy New Prussians, the invasion began via a bombing campaign on Wuhu City, destroying major military targets therein. After the bombings ended soldiers were paradropped into the main city, and rolled tanks in on boats, the Invading forces were met with some Civil Resistance, which was dealt with via a Tiger Tank HE Shell. The Davidians then took it upon themselves to set up several artillery sets in the main city, and begin shelling Dark Kleiner's Castle upon the hill, when they felt it was ready, they sent men up the hill and took care of the remaining defenders, and then moved in. Inside the Castle was Dark Kleiner, who was executed by firing squad, and thrown into the Volcano, where he was then replaced by Benedikt Meussels. This caused the split of Wuhu and Woohoo, and the creation of East Woohoo Reichskommisariat and West Wuhu Reichskolonie