Navy of the Republic of Amberiana

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Navy of the Republic of Amberiana (NRA)
Active13 March 2023 - Present
Country Republic of Amberiana

The Navy of the Republic of Amberiana (NRA) was a military organization that was created by the government of Amberiana. It had a similar structure to the ARA, with the MARABA (Military Advisor of the Republic of Amberiana Board of Advisors) being the main commander, with a JMAN (Junior Military Advisor of the Navy) under them.


The NRA was formed during the time of the Second Empire of Amberiana, under the name Amberianan Royal Navy (ARN).

The navy was formed at a time of political instability, and the empress at the time, Amber I of Amberiana, thought it would be good for the nation and her allies for the Amberianan military to expand. This influenced her to form the ARN, which would be used for research and espionage purposes.

After the collapse of the second empire, the former empress, turned president, formed the NRA. During the collapse, there were changes in the government and military structure. There would be a MARABA, who would have JMAs (Junior Military Advisors) under them. Before the dissolution of Amberiana, Amber held both of these titles.