Easwegian Presidium Authority

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Emblem of the United Presidium Authority

The Easwegian Presidium Authority, officially the United Presidium Authority, known by its acronym of UNIPRA or simply the Presidium, formerly known as the National Electoral Commission, is a branch of the United Common Assembly responsible for supreme auditing, electoral regulation, managing the civil service and supervising the Co-operative Government of Easway. It's presided over by the Assembly President (currently Swapardeshi) and deputy regional aldermen, with its supreme oversight officer being the Ombudsman (currently Teireet).

Created on 14 December 2017 to facilitate the drafting of the independence declaration and election of a head of Easway and local governance, the NEC is one of the oldest official organisations in Easway.[1] The Structural Reorganisation Act 2024 merged the United Common Assembly Presidium with the NEC.[2]


The Ombudsman of the UNIPRA, created 14 December 2017 and elected by the All Popular Committee, is the chief administrative officer of the organisation, who is responsible for preparing reports and overseeing cases. Traditionally, Ombudsmen have only served for one term in a row, although this has changed the last two Ombudsmen.

Number Name Term of office Assembly Notes
1st Oelaanni Creizoun 14 December 2017 - 26 February 2019 1st, 2nd
acting Emizerri 26 February 2019 - 10 May 2019 3rd The office was vacant whilst the People's Committees conducted debates within the Constitutional Assembly for upcoming constitutional acts. Calls to replace the body with a unified supreme court failed, and the body continued to exist, with the Assembly later electing a new Spokesperson in May 2019.
2nd Samme vi Ezerrye 10 May 2019 - 20 January 2020 3rd, 4th
3rd Ankel Palatinousei 20 January 2020 - 1 January 2021 4th, 5th, 6th
4th Frankie 1 January 2021 - 26 November 2022 6th, 7th Per tradition of serving for roughly one year, Frankie was set to be replaced by Oleksiy in January 2022, though Oleksiy went on to serve instead as General Envoy instead, therefore Frankie stayed on to serve another term. He resigned in November 2022 after announcing his intention to stand in the late 2022 elections for the position of Marquis of Urdport.
acting Emizerri 26 November 2022 - 2 January 2023 7th, 8th Served whilst a replacement was to be arranged.
5th Teireet Since 2 January 2023 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th


  1. National Electoral Commission of Easway. (2024). The National Electoral Commission - Explained. [Online]. Blogger. Last Updated: 4 April 2024. Available at: https://easwegian.blogspot.com/2024/04/the-national-electoral-commission-of.html [Accessed 5 April 2024].
  2. United Common Assembly. (2024). Structural Reorganisation Act 2024. [Online]. Blogger. Last Updated: 27 May 2024. Available at: https://easwegian.blogspot.com/2024/05/structural-reorganisation-act-2024.html [Accessed 9 July 2024].