National Assembly of Zarkyiv

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The National Assembly of the Republic of Zarkykiv is the the unicameral national legislature of Zarykiv. Elections to the National Assembly are held every year. The National Assembly has 3 seats.


Following Zarkyivs independence, there hasn't been a unilateral parliament represented by the nation. There was the Representative Council which consist of members of the Zarkyivian People's Party to discuss certain issues regarding policies and foreign affairs. Following the dissolvement and re-establishment of the republic, a legislature was announced to be created by the Prime Minister, Manggala Alif Prasetia. The legislative branch of the government would be called the National Assembly. The assembly consist of 3 seats of which 3 constituencies are place, they are North Upon, Down South and Central Capital.


The Speaker of the National Assembly is the president of the Assembly and hold power to hold a no confidence vote. The speaker also represents the assembly.


Appointed members

Constituency Members Faction
Ostravia Manggala Alif Prasetia Government
Yuznaya Mahmoud Bin Umar
Goroznia Muhammad Mohsin Khan