Mugahan Rump State

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Mugahan Rump State
Motto: Glory to the Mugahan leader
Anthem: Official - "Oh Sacred Dirt Mound"
Civil - "Suck An Egg, We Are The Best"
and largest city
Muganhan City
Official languagesEnglish (94%)
Mugahan (6%)
GovernmentMilitary Junta
• President
Hummus McDonnell
• General Leader Elected Person
Phillip Von Batman
• Chairman of the Armed Forces
Potty "the Salsa" John
LegislatureFederated Democratic Social Council of the military and civilians and Hummus McDonnell
• Census
3 people, 4 plants
CurrencyAustralian Dollar
Time zoneAustralian Eastern Standard Time

The Federated Democratic Social Council of the military and civilians, which is also a republic in which the people decide the Leader which is now situated within the legitimate Mugahan Syndicalist state is a rump state based in Smith, Hogan and Spindlers Park in Sydney, Australia


The Federated Democratic Social Council of the military and civilians, which is also a republic in which the people decide the Leader which is now situated within the legitimate Mugahan Syndicalist state was founded in 2021 by Hummus McDonnell after he graduated from the Badu Park National Institute of Music. Shortly after McDonnell graduated from the Badu Park National Institute of Music he annexed a small children's park in Smith, Hogan and Spindlers Park. He was soon removed from the park by police after concerned parents called 000. He soon resettled in some bushes next to a large gum tree and declared his nation's independence. The local youths that frequent the children's park refer to the bushes as the 'piss hole', due to the fact that the child patrons of the park use it as a toilet. Hummus McDonnell is still unaware of this fact. The FDSCMCWIARIWTPDLWNSWLMSS (Mugahan State for short) lays claim to the Smith, Hogan and Spindlers Park in its entirety but has not yet annexed them. The Mugahan State is currently at war with the youth patrons of the park. His first campaign against the youths was trying to scare them on the slide but this resulted in him being attacked by a local gang of eshays. He has invited 2 close friends of his (Philip Von Batman and Potty 'the salsa' John) to join the crusade against the local children patrons of the park.


The government of the Federated Democratic Social Council of the military and civilians, which is also a republic in which the people decide the Leader which is now situated within the legitimate Mugahan Syndicalist state takes place in the framework of a republic under a military junta whereas Hummus McDonell is the president as well as the minister of the economy and minister for tourism. Phillip Von Batman is the General Leader Elected Person. Potty "the Salsa" John is the Chairman of the Armed Forces.


The military of the FDSCMCWIARIWTPDLWNSWLMSS has been crippled by the constant fighting in the playground as well as a general lack of serviceable parts for its equipment. Most of the serviceable equipment has been captured by the local gang of youths who Hummus McDonnell is fighting. The most potent weapon the FDSCMCWIARIWTPDLWNSWLMSS has is a shopping trolly, this however has been damaged by the youth gang so it is un-operational at this time. The FDSCMCWIARIWTPDLWNSWLMSS also has a paratrooper corps with one parachute (bed sheet tied to backpack). Hummus McDonnell often forces 'General Leader Elected Person' Phillip Von Batman to 'test' the parachute by jumping from high trees in local parks. This often results in severe injury to Phillip Von Batman and him being scolded by McDonnell for 'doing it wrong'. The FDSCMCWIARIWTPDLWNSWLMSS also has a naval flotilla consisting of one vessel: the MN Smith, which was formally the XNS Camperdown.

Organisation and Equipment

1st Armoured Division:

  • 1 Supabarn Shopping Trolly (un-operational)

3rd Rifle Division:

  • 5 slightly sharp sticks (7 captured by local youth)

1st Naval Flotilla

  • MN Smith (ex-XNS Camperdown, suspected to have been sunk covertly by the Xahastanian Navy)

2nd Paratrooper Corps:

  • 1 bent fork
  • 1 parachute (bed sheet tied to backpack)