Module:Political party/R

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-- Constant data used by [[Module:Political party]]

local alternate = {


local full = {
["Radical Left Party"] = {abbrev = "RLP", color = "#e60e7e", shortname = "Radical Left",},
["Red Green Alliance"] = {abbrev = "RGA", color = "#FF0000", shortname = "RGA",},
["Red Front (Georgienstine)"] = {abbrev = "RF", color= "#E12514", shortname = "Red Front",},
["Republican Movement (Atovia)"] = {abbrev = "RMA", color = "#FFBF00", shortname = "Republican",},
["Royalist Party of Vishwamitra"] = {abbrev = "RPV", color = "#8A2BE2", shortname = "RPV",},
["Republican Party (Ebenthal)"] = {abbrev = "PR", color = "#1e3f5a", shortname = "Republican",},

return {
full = full,
alternate = alternate,