Module:Political party/Q

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-- Constant data used by [[Module:Political party]]

local alternate = {


local full = {
["Queenslandian Conservation and Democracy Party"] = {abbrev = "QCD", color = "#660066", shortname = "Conservation",},
["Queenslandian Conservative Pride Party"] = {abbrev = "QCP", color = "#FF1455", shortname = "Conservative Pride",},
["Queensland National Liberal Party"] = {abbrev = "QNP", color = "#b00000", shortname = "Liberal",},
["Queenslandian Green Party"] = {abbrev = "QGN", color = "#33CC00", shortname = "Green",},
["Queensland Reform Conservative Party"] = {abbrev = "QRC", color = "#990000", shortname = "Reform Conservative",},
["Queensland Democratic Unionist Party"] = {abbrev = "QDU", color = "#009999", shortname = "Democratic",},

return {
full = full,
alternate = alternate,