Military History of Groot-Brabant

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Belgica - Fc and Bolloheide
Part of The military history of Belgica
Date9th of June 2019 - 11th of June 2019
Result Belgican annexation of both nations
  • Belgica
  • Fc Bolloheide
6 9
Belgican Civil War
Part of The Military history of Belgica
Date31st of August 2019 - 7th of September 2019
Result Kernowist Belgican defeat and the monarchy was restored
  • Kernowist Belgica
  • The Kingdom of the Dijle
Commanders and leaders
Kenneth of Fesmar Jules of Belgica
11 15
Fesmarian-Belgican Cold war
Part of The Military history of Belgica
Date27 September 2019 - 15 October 2019
Belgica and Fesmar
Result Fesmar backed down after they couldnt keep up with Belgica
  • Belgica
  • Kernow
Commanders and leaders

Mats of Belgica

Jules of Belgica
Kenneth of Fesmar
First Fesmarian-Belgican War
Part of The Military history of Belgica
Date2019 - 2019
Belgica and Fesmar
Result Fesmar had to withdraw, they were forced to change the goverment type
  • Belgica
  • Fesmarian Republic
Commanders and leaders

Mats of Belgica

Jules of Belgica
Kenneth of Fesmar
19 14
Second Fesmarian-Belgican War
Part of The Military history of Belgica
Date23 November 2019 - 30 November 2019
Belgica and Fesmar
Result Fesmar was defeated and ceded a small piece of land west of Plymouth, the territory began at St Germains up to Kingsand
  • Belgica
  • Second Fesmarian empire
Commanders and leaders

Mats of Belgica

Jules of Belgica
Kenneth of Fesmar
19 10
Third Fesmarian-Belgican War
Part of The Military history of Belgica
Date19 december 2019 - 27 december 2019
Belgica and Fesmar
Result This war resulted in the collapse of Fesmar, they lost almost all of their territory. They slowly recovered through the few months after the war.
  • Belgica
  • The Cornish Empire
Commanders and leaders

Mats of Belgica

Jules of Belgica
Kenneth of Fesmar
25 16

This is the military history of Groot-Brabant, most of the wars were fought with Rylem of Fesmar

Belgican Civil War

On the 9th of October, a Kernowist invasion occurred which was supported by Fesmar (then Kernow).

The first day

Jules was notified by an anonymous person that there had been a kernowist invasion, when he confronted Mats about this Mats said that he had no choice and that he had to support the newly formed regime, he then started raising an army and gave the following speech: people of Flandras, I had made Belgica to be an everlasting monarchy. Not a communist regime! Our friend Raolin Chamberstar has failed not only me but all of the people that were loyal to the monarchy. but I ask you pardon him and let us start over make a new kingdom that is more powerfull than Belgica! You have always been loyal to me and I don't want Flandras to fall into the hands of commuism but I assure you that we will fight back and try to liberate it from this regime we shall fight in the forests we shall fight in the houses and in the streets we shall fight until Kernoism is bannished from the lands of Flandras and restore the monarchy once and for all! in this time of darkness I need your help more than ever. Those who help me shall be rewarded those who oppose me shall be punished. I ask you all to help me in this time of need and liberate the micronations that fall into the hands of Kernoism but are fermly against it. After this speech Mats banished Jules from Flandras and Jules made his own rebel nation called the kingdom of de dijle

The last day of the regime

During the evening Jules launched an attack on the kernowist army and won, the army was caught by suprise and they were all banished, Jules said that Mats would be put back on the throne under one condition: That he would not support any takeover.