MicroWiki:Content we don't want

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This page outlines topics and content, including files, that MicroWiki does not want for the sake of preserving the site's quality and reputability. Many of the reasons for included items overlap with policies such as what MicroWiki is not and what micronationalism is not.

We do not want...

Video-game-based content

We do not want content pertaining to Cities Skylines, Hearts of Iron, Minecraft, Roblox, Sid Meier's Civilization, or any other video game that you claim to base your micronation on or in. This includes "disputes" within such games that are then passed off as events of your micronation, and also applies to screenshots of players or characters passed of as "portraits."

Social media nations and conflicts

We do not want articles pertaining to social media "nations": self-misclassified groups revolving only around the administration of an online community. This differs significantly from nations that simply rely on social media for communication, where the social media presence is not seen in the same regard as physical territory or anything other than a means of communication.

Neither do we want content pertaining to events on social media, including but not limited to Discord, Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, YouTube, or X. Discord raids, or any other "cyberattack" that includes bullying, harassment, spamming, or destruction or deletion of virtual spaces on social media services is not a "battle," "conflict," or a "war." Report all malicious online activity to the support teams of that service, but don't document it here.