Martyn Järvenpää

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People's General
Martyn Järvenpää
Coat of Arms of the Republic of Akebar
Personal information
Born 27 September 1998 (1998-09-27) (age 25)
Birth name Martyn Järvenpää
Citizenship Akebarian, Sorrenian, British, Karelian, Finnish
Nationality British, Finnish
Ethnicity Finnish, Ukrainian
Political party People's Unity Party of Akebar, Sorrenian Workers Party
Occupation Student

Martyn Järvenpää is the current People's General of the Republic of Akebar. As the People's General, he is the head of government of Akebar. In addition to this, he is also a prominent Sorrenian politician, holding the position of Chief Territorial Governor. Despite being a Libertarian Capitalist, he is a member of the Sorrenian Workers Party.

Personal life

Martyn was born in the United Kingdom to a Karelian Finnish father and a mother of Ukrainian decent. He identifies as an ethnic Karelian Finn above all due to his father being a full-blood Karelian.