Lululandian language

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Native toLululand
Latin (Lululandian Alphabet)

Lululandian (Lululantien) is an Indo-European language family based conlang, used by the people of Lululand. The language is similar to English and Sweddish since it has similar linguistic typology.


Writing Systems

Lululandian has two official scripts, the Latin script and the Lululandian script. The Lululandian script is based on the Cyrillic script rather than the Latin script.


The Lululandian alphabet uses the Latin alphabet and consists of 25 letters. Each letter has an upper case and a lower case form.

Latin Lululandian Alphabet
Upper Case A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z
Lower Case a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p r s t u v w x y z
Letter Name
A a a
B b be
C c ce
D d de
E e e
F f ef
G g ge
H h he
I i i
J j ja
K k ka
L l el
M m em
N n en
O o o
P p pe
R r er
S s es
T t te
U u oo
V v veh
W w weh
X x iks
Y y yupsilon
Z z ze
Lululandian Vowels
Upper Case A E I O U
Lower Case a e i o u

Comparing to other Languages

Language Phrase
English I speak Lululandian. Hello. How are you? I am a student. We will go there. The cars are going to Korea.
Lululandian Jog spraker Lululandisk. Allo. Hor ar dej? Jog ar en lejer. Vej skaj gejer dert. Vilsojgens gejer til Korea.
Middle-Lululandian Ish shprachen Lululantien. Allo. O ist du? Ish ist aine lejrner. Vej wille gejen ðaer. Die vilzojgs ist gejenast nach Corea.
Proto-Luluplaniski Jzu mal Lululandiski. Allo. Alterkin beda vu? Jzu beda una vwerudaomo. Nut dong tere. Otomobils beda dong na Korui.
Luluplaniski Jog mal Lululandiski. Allo. Alterkin beda dik? Jog beda una vwerudaomo. Veget dong tere. Otomobils beda dong na Korui.
German Ich spreche Lululandian. Hallo. Wie geht es dir? Ich bin ein Student. Wir werden dort hin gehen. Die Autos fahren nach Korea.
Swedish Jag pratar Luluandiska. Hej. Hur mår du? Jag är stuent. Vi ska åka dit. Bilarna ska till Korea.
Norwegian bokmål Jeg snakker lululandsk. Hallo. Hvordan har du det? jeg er en student. Vi skal dit. Bilene skal til Korea.
Danish Jeg taler lululandsk. Hej. Hvordan har du det? Jeg er studerende. Vi tager dertil. Bilerne skal til Korea.


Language 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
English one two three four five siks seven eight nine ten
Lululandian en tvoj
trej fejr fejf sejks sevnum at nejn tej
Middle-Lululandian eine do trej fhir fef zechs sefnum acht nine den
Luluplaniski un fu tri quatre cinqou sekz seivn axt nin eiks
German ein zwei drei vier fünf sechs seiben acht neun zehn
Swedish en/ett två tre fyra fem sex sju åtta nio tio

Comparing to other conlangs


Language 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Lululandian en do trej fhir fef zechs sefnum acht nine den
Sprakkish ajn svaj draj fiir fynf seks siiben akt najn zenn
Spaldian ona tvo þrå four fivaa siks savan ait nina tan

Personal Pronoun

English I You He She It We They Me Him Her Us Them
Lululandian Ish Du Hej Shej Aet Vej Þej Ish Hej Shej Uns Þene
Sprakkish Jaag nii haan hoon dett vii deem miig haanig hoont viig deem
Spaldian Ég Þú Hann Hún It Við Þeir Maa Him Har Us Þam

Comparing to sprakkish

Genetive Case

ðaeð ist Lisaen shuchenvorde dett vaaren Lisa' Book that is Lisa's book
die nazionenkomanðenem der Glebia dett Pressidennt auf Glebia the president of Glebia (formal)
die nazionenkomanðenem der Glebia Glebia' Pressidennt the president of Glebia (informal)
aet ist ishen shuchenvorde dett vaaren majn Book it is my book
die shuchenvorde ist ishen dett Book vaaren majn the book is mine
Dun tæg niit Tag your day (second person plural)
Dun tæg dajn Tag your day
die volten nazionens dett Plejs' Natzionplu the world's countries
Die nazionenen nazionenkomanðenem dett Natzion' Pressidennt the country's president

Noun Examples

shprachenvorde Sprakkan language
ishen shuchenvorde majn Book my book
minister Ministern minister
hunt Hunt dog
froj Honn woman
frojs Honnplu women

Adjective Examples

die gut shuchenvorde dett gootu Book the good book
die gut shuchenvordes dett gootu Bookplu the good books
aine dejpentichejnshtat ajn tuffu Natzion an independent state
die gut hunt dett gootu Hunt the good dog
die guter hunt dett plus gootu Hunt the better dog
die gutejt hunt dett svaj plus gootu Hunt the best dog
du ejten slurenop duu essen langsamut you eat slowly

Verb Examples

ish shprachen Anglantien jaag sprakken Engelsk I speak English
Shej shprachen Anglantien honn sprakken Engelsk she speaks English
Ish zinend die Geheltkrej der Dejpentichejnheit pevorentæg jaag klottere dett Sellvstyr-foorklaar nysst I signed the Declaration of Independence yesterday
du ejtend die ejzen duu esse dett Essan you ate the food
Nicolas cage haren shtejlenvol die Geheltkrej der Dejpentichejnheit Nicolas Cage haaren getjuven dett Sellvstyr-foorklaar Nicolas Cage has stolen the Declaration of Independence
shej haren shuchenvol aine shuchenvorde honn haaren gelissen ajn Book she has read a book
wille du gejen nach Glebia fujzurtæg? villen duu faren zu Glebia morgen? Do you want to travel to Glebiania tomorrow?
Ish wille shtejlen die Geheltkrej der Dejpentichejnheit jaag villen tjuven dett Sellvstyr-foorklaar I will steal the Declaration of Independence
die Geheltkrej der Dejpentichejnheit ist shtejlenvol dett Sellvstyr-foorklaar vaaren getjuvenu the Declaration of Independence is stolen


Numbers in Lululandian shares the same format as Chinese, e.g. three hundred fifty seven (357) would translate as trejhundertfefdensefnum (lit. three hundred five ten seven).

Cardinal numeral Lululandian Literal translation Ordinal numeral Lululandian Literal translation
1 eine one 1st einem one
12 dendo "ten two" 12th dendom twelfth
23 dodentrej "two ten three" 23rd dodentrejem twenty-third
34 trejdenfhir "three ten four" 34th trejdenfhirem thirty-fourth
45 fhirdenfef "four ten five" 45th fhirdenfefem fourty-fifth
56 fefdenzechs "five ten six" 56th fefedenzechsem fifty-sixth
67 zechsdensefnum "six ten seven" 67th zechsdensefnumem sixty-seventh
78 sefnumdenacht "seven ten eight" 78th sefnumdenachtem seventy-eighth
89 achtdennine "eight ten nine" 89th achtdenninem eighty-ninth
90 nineden "nine ten" 90th ninedenem ninetieth

Personal Pronouns

Personal pronouns are based on English and German.

English I You He She It We They Me Him Her Us Them
Lululandian Ish Du Hej Shej Aet Vej Þej Ish Hej Shej Uns Þene

External links

All templates are from the Spaldian language.