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  • Lagrocian
Official status
Official language in
 Republic of Lagrocia
Language codes
ISO 639-3

The Lagrocian Language (self-appointed Lingua Lagrosia) is an artificial language that continues to be developed by the president of the country, is based on the Spanish Creole languages ​​and lends lyrics to Romance languages (Spanish, Portuguese and Catalan).

Lagrocian Alphabet

The Lagrocian Alphabet Is Based On The Spanish Dr Except That It Has Letters That Do Not Come In The Spanish Alphabet.

ä, b, c, ð, ê, f, ĝ, h, ĭ, j, k, ł, m, n, ñ, õ, p, q, ŗ, ş, t, ŭ, v, ŵ, x, ÿ, ż.


Lagrocian Translation to Spanish Translation




Bõn Ðĭäş

Buenos Días

Good Morning

Bõn Täŗðêş

Buenas Tardes

Good Afternoon

Bõn Nõĭtê

Buenas Noches

Good Night