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The Liberal Right Party is a christian political party in a handful of nations. The leader of the party and organization is Mike Farmer. Mike focuses on bringing the party to multiple nations to increase the power for right liberals and their cause for freedom of trade and freedom of religion. The main languages of the party are hoffish, english, and french.

Slogan : "We are strong under christ who strengthens us"




# Name Start date End date
1 Mike Farmer 5 September
10 June


The Liberal Right Party believes first in freedom of religion and market. The party also is a proud supporter of freedom of speech and rights to carry arms. Often hated against, the Liberal Right Party is not a supporter of communism and will often make sure to pass anti-communist laws to protect the nations it is in and their people.

On the topic of free market, the party believes that the market should not be controlled by the government but by the people themselves. If a monopoly is forming then the people shall sue if it becomes such a problem. The market should also not be taxed to make sure that everyone is getting the most money for their hard work.

In terms of social classes, the party wants everyone to be upper class to middle class. The lower class will be destroyed via good jobs and good education for everyone. Anyone in lower class areas should get free tuition paid for by donation. Most of these donations will come from the church and christian organizations.

Finally on the topic of culture, the party supports equal rights for everyone based off of race and gender. The only exception is cases of gay marriage for marriage is a union between man and women. The government shall provide the full benefits of marriage though if a couple requests. Laws that support abortion shall be strictly prohibited because it is against the christian religion to murder.