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«6 October 2018

These articles hereby enact the basis of which the Konmalehth is built upon, hereby forming a council which brings together in order to promote financial and military aid, expanding diplomatic relations between member states, advancing cultural and scientific endeavors, expanding on micronational economics, and expanding a serious political environment.

Article I. Aid between member states and foreign nations

a. All member states are permitted to freely aid one another financially and militarily in anyway that does not threaten any other member state.
b. Member states may call the Konmalehth to meeting to discuss aiding a third party nation or political entity as a collective whole, or cooperate with several member states to do so.
i. Aid of the entire council to a foreign entity must be decided by a 3/4 majority vote.
c. The Konmalehth has the power to sanction individually operated aid conducted by a member states if this aid causes the nation(s) may be sent into hyperinflation, extreme debt, bankruptcy, and any other variation of financial crisis. Sanctions may also be verified if it leads the nation(s) supplying aid are unable to support a military, if the nation is reliant on such organization.
i. This is to not apply, however, if this aid is found to be intent to oppose another member state, or the collective whole, in any way.

Article II. Diplomatic expansion

a. All nations, as they are coming together under one organization, are required to recognize member states sovereign control over their capital territory or their claims as a political entity.
i. It is up to the member states to decide to recognize other territorial claims of fellow member nations, understanding that many nations make outlandish claims.
b. The Konmalehth may come together as several independent nations or as a whole to make treaties pertaining to
i. trade;
ii. establishment of new territories in, near, around, or formerly belonging to a member state;
iii. diplomatic protection;
iv. militant protection; and
v. other points of which do not harm other member states
c. Treaties between member states may be looked at every year in order to update any points of which they are based on.
d. Member states may be encouraged to form diplomatic relations that shall benefit all participating parties in order to build trade or regular activity within the nations.

Article III. Cultural advancement

a. Cultures from all member states shall be accepted and respected with the Konmalehth.
i. However, anything from a culture may be restricted within the Konmalehth if they are found to be harming member states.
b. Member states are able to work together to form cultural expeditions in order to promote national identity within member states, and help others build up a culture.
c. Any unprovoked actions within member states or upon them by outside entities on any specific culture may result in sanctions of the nations in question by the Konmalehth.
d. Member states may work together to maintain important artifacts and locations in order to preserve cultural history.

Article IV. Scientific advancement

a. Scientific organizations from all member states may freely work together in order to commit to the study of various scientific regions of study.
b. If a scientific experiment is found to be harmful to a large region or populous of member states, the Konmalehth may condemn these experiments to the point of expulsion of a member state. (See Article VII Clause a)
c. Separation of state and church may be encouraged by the Konmalehth to allow science to not be blocked by religious prejudice, but it is allowed for the church and state to be connected.

Article V. Expanding micronational economics

a. The Konmalehth may promote all economic policies within member states that do not cause poverty, recession, or hyperinflation within the nation’s economy.
b. The expansion of micronational currencies between member nations, such as the admittance of other member state currencies within businesses, may be promoted.
c. Trade between states, whether digital or physical, may occur between states through treaties or unrestricted free trade.

Businesses may invest in building outlets and factories within member states

Article VI. Admittance of new member states

a. Member states are to be admitted to the organisation on the basis of the following criteria:
I. that they must, as a general rule, have an historic constitutional association with an existing member states, save in exceptional cases;
II. that they should accept and comply with the Konmalehth fundamental values, principles and priorities as set out in this Articles and in future declarations;
III. that they should demonstrate commitment to
1. A democratic process, which includes free and fair elections and representative legislatures;
2. Rule of law;
3. Good governance; and
4. Protection of human rights, freedom of speech and of opportunity; and
5. that they should accept conventions and norms within the Konmalehth.
b. If the government of the applicant has accepted the Articles and have confirmed their intention to join, provisional membership shall be granted until a quorum vote is held. (Amended 2019)
c. Once the applicant (s) have fulfilled the following criteria, a deliberative discussion is to be held and thereafter a vote is to be held between the member states via their head representatives to the Konmalehth and if the applicant receives two-thirds of the votes of the total membership, then the applicant (s) is/are deemed to be member(s). (Amended 2019)

Article VII. Expulsion of member states

a. Any member states found committing the following activities will cause expulsion from the Konmalehth:
i. Unfair and restricted elections;
ii. A state of purposeful anarchy;
iii. Corrupt governance;
iv. Harm geared towards another member state;
v. Aid in harm geared towards another member state;
vi. Disregard for human rights, freedom of speech and opportunity; and
vii. Disregard for the conventions and rules set by the Konmalehth.
b.The representatives of each member state, excluding the member state in question to be expelled, shall vote upon the terms of expulsion.

Article VIII. Governance of the Konmalehth

a. The Konmalehth shall be run as a democratic organization that votes upon all matters put forward by representatives.
i. There may be up to two representatives per member nation who are given full voting powers.
ii. During each biweekly meeting, a rotation of Head Speaker shall lead over the discussions between the various member states.
iii. Two-thirds of the Konmalehth representatives must vote on a subject to pass or be vetoed
iv. A matter has a maximum of seven minutes before the matter must be passed or officially vetoed
b. There shall be a Chair, who shall serve as the head of the Konmalehth and shall be elected by the member states for a three-month term.


By order of signing:

ABELDANE Empire and the Commonwealth
6 October 2018

High Kingdom of PACEM
6 October 2018

Kingdom of JUPITER and Greater Territories
6 October 2018

6 October 2018

Democratic Confederation of the Palatinate of UBERQUIESENBERG
6 October 2018

Republic of IUSTUS
6 October 2018

6 October 2018

Federated States of TRANSTERRA
7 October 2018

Empire of PARAVIA
8 October 2018

Kingdom of ATOVIA
11 October 2018

15 October 2018

3 December 2018