Kingdom of the Dror

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The chosen anarcho-capitalist minarchist confederal Kingdom of the Dror, better known by its short name The Kingdom of the Dror or by the name The chosen confederal Kingdom of the Dror, is a ideological micronation located in the territory of the 'unchosen state' of Israel and was established as anarcho-capitalist constitutional monarchy in 2002.

The kingdom is founded on libertarian and anarcho-capitalist foundations and is an ideological light and a living example of the realization and real success of these ideologies, hoping to stimulate a thought and philosophical movement among the general public.

The chosen confederal Kingdom of the Dror is a 'chosen state' - its citizens choose to be members of it.

The kingdom is structured as a very libertarian confederation, the most basic governing cells are the individuals and/or their private lands over which they are still sovereign.

The current (and first) king is Shaked I.

Under him are the right of the king, his advisers and the house of the landowners.

The chosen confederal Kingdom of the Dror
[[File:Flag |125px|border|Flag of Kingdom of the Dror]]
[[File:Coat of arms |85px|Coat of arms of Kingdom of the Dror]]
Coat of arms
Motto: The freedom to independence is the independence of freedeom !
Anthem: Any song the citizens want and see as representative

'unchosen state' Israel

(in 15/9/22)|frameless|upright=1.15]]
Largest cityFathercoast - elite and downtown
Official languagesGovernment documents in English and Hebrew, in the private sector Any language the citizens want is allowed
GovernmentAnarcho-capitalist constitutional monarchy
• King \ Queen
King Shaked I of house Lipelis
LegislatureHouse of Landowners
CurrencyAny Currency is allowed

Establishment and characterization

The chosen confederal Kingdom of the Dror was established at the beginning of September 2022 as anarcho-capitalist constitutional monarchy out of the desire to be a tool of libertarian and anarcho-capitalist protest and to be an ideological light and a living example of the realization and real success of these ideologies, while hoping to stimulate a movement of libertarian thought and philosophy among the general public and make the reality of our lives more and more free.

These desires and hopes grew due to an statist, illiberal policy that even harms civil liberties on the part of the State of Israel and due to an statist and collectivist global reality - something that is unacceptable from a libertarian point of view.

The chosen confederal Kingdom of the Dror is a 'chosen state' - its citizens choose to be members of it and choose according to their wishes to consume its service, this is similar to a private company whose services are consumed or not consumed according to their wishes, this is different from the statist states.

The kingdom, from being 'chosen' by the citizens, is anarcho-capitalist, its citizens can revoke their citizenship and withdraw their lands according to their will, which guarantees total governmental responsiveness to the citizen's needs and desires.

The market, the way of life and the lands are totally privatized, since citizenship in the country and its sovereignty over the citizen and his property are subject to choice at any time.

The system of administrative division and territories is a confederation of private lands and individual people.

This libertarian type of confederation is a system in which the most basic governing cells are the individual and/or his private lands over which he is still sovereign.

The lands and territories of the state are private areas owned by the citizens whose free will brought them under the wings of the kingdom in exchange for benefits, status, comfort and other possibilities.

The people still own their lands and are sovereign to do there as they wish, subject to the libertarian constitution and in the spirit of libertarian principles.

The king, the people who administer under him and the confederal institution per se exist and act by virtue of the choice and need of each and every citizen, when their activity is the provision of services only in diplomacy, security and justice in accordance with the demand and will of the citizens, alongside the creation of the sense of the ideological group ethos, its distribution, representation and protection.

Of course, everything is subject to a completely libertarian approach in the economy and in the civil life, alongside a minarchist monarchist approach limited by a rigid libertarian anarcho-capitalist constitution that protects civil and economic freedom absolutely.

The kingdom was established by the libertarian activist Shaked Lipelis. The idea behind it and the philosophy of chosen nations was driven by Shaked Lipelis and these grew out of a lot of inspiration from a multitude of libertarian and anarcho-capitalist thinkers and philosophers.

Due to Shaked Lipelis being the founder of the kingdom, and responsible for its construction and distribution, he was crowned the first king of the kingdom - Shaked of house Lipelis, the first of his name.