Kingdom of West Ganthaenium

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Kingdom Of West Ganthaenium
The Flag
Motto: Surrender To None
and largest city
Ganthaenia (West)
Official languagesEnglish
GovernmentAbsolute Monarchy
• King
King Otto Reichfeld (at time of disestablishment)
LegislatureRoyal Advisory
• Census

The Kingdom of West Ganthaenium is an absolute monarchy in dispute for Zarnos. The Kingdom of West Ganthaenium is known for its incursions into territories controlled by other Zarnos nations. West Ganthaenium is a relatively small nation, thus it requires resources from other areas. The kingdom uses an army to seize resources and land to expand its dominion over Zarnos and is an extremely aggressive and hostile nation. The Kingdom of West Ganthaenium rarely engages in diplomatic discussion, thus it has no allies. Its most famous incursion was its incursion into the Democratic Union of Zarnos, to the nation's east. It was the worst defeat in the kingdom's history. The Democratic Union was inferior militarily, but superior in its diplomacy. The union called upon its allies, the Federal States of Zarnos and the Zarnos Communist Republic. The Zarnos Communist Republic had an army larger than the armies of West Ganthaenium, the Federal States and the Democratic Union put together. The allies crushed the Kingdom, pushing it back to its capital, Ganthaenia, forcing it to surrender.


The word Ganthaenium is from Ganthaenia, the original city which the kingdom expanded from. The word developed the suffix "um" which replaced "a" as the terminal syllable. This comes from the usage of the word. Because it was difficult to distinguish if someone was addressing the city or the kingdom, the name of the kingdom was altered slightly by adding a terminal "m" sound. The "a" changed to "u" because it was easier to say. This distinction was phased into effect early on, within the first two years of the kingdom being distinct from a city-state, before the kingdom even reached full size.


The Kingdom of West Ganthaenium was originally a small city-state controlling the larger western portion of the megacity Ganthaenia. The far smaller eastern portion was controlled by a duchy from the Mektan Principality. Ganthaenia was originally a small trading post for travelling merchants, who would stop to rest on the journeys from Krihull, Calcuna and Zleka in the Confederation of South Zarnos, Grimond in Clieles, Graton in the Democratic Union of Zarnos and Rumanek and Povlotya in the Zarnos Communist Republic. Ganthaenia was the only city that had an established route to the largest city in Zarnos, Zarnos city. The route taken by these travellers passed by Mektan City and went all the way to Zarnos City, which at the time was controlled by an extremely large duchy expanding over ten times the city's size. Ganthaenia became the second largest city in Zarnos for hundreds of years. Ganthaenia eventually split in two, east and west Ganthaenia. The Western portion was approximately 80% of the city, while the eastern portion was only approximately 20%. The east was controlled by a small duchy, which later joined the Mektan Principality, and the west was controlled by the original duchy that controlled the city-state. The western portion eventually expanded and engulfed hundreds of small duchies and estates, and eventually the kingdom was established.

Flags and Emblems

National Flags

Flag Name Use Description
State Flag of the Kingdom of West Ganthaenium / State Ensign of the Kingdom of West Ganthaenium State flag and state ensign Black and yellow checkered pattern defaced with a fleur-de-lis
Civil Flag of the Kingdom of West Ganthaenium / Civil Ensign of the Kingdom of West Ganthaenium Civil flag and civil ensign Black and yellow checkered pattern

Military Flags

Flag Name Use Description
War Flag of the Kingdom of West Ganthaenium / Naval Jack of the Kingdom of West Ganthaenium War flag and naval jack Black with a yellow centre bar
Naval Ensign of the Kingdom of West Ganthaenium Naval ensign Black with a yellow centre bar defaced with a fleur-de-lis