Kingdom of Stabushire

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The Kingdom of Stabushire was a former micronation which dissolved into Nolahtia. Stabushire despite being defunct has a long and interesting history along with culture.

Kingdom of Stabushire
Flag of Kingdom of Stabushire
Official languagesEnglish
No official
GovernmentConstitutional monarchy
• Monarchy of Stabushire
Iord Riko Watterton of Stabushire


Stabushire was established on 2 March 2021 by Lord Riko Watterton of Stabushire. However, Stabushire would see its first conflict on the 31st March when rebels took over Stabushire and put it under a communist regime. This new "Communist Stabushire" was renamed to "The Communist People's Republic of Stabushire". Lead by Klostan Firguinse, the new communist regime fell on the 6th April, perhaps due to instability. Karlis Kelnieks, a member of Stabushire, recommended that a Fascist Regime could be established, perhaps because of the attempted coup. Of course, it was clear that would never happen and Stabushire remained as a constitutional monarchy from then. On the 6th April 2021, the Kingdom of Stabushire was dissolved, and its successor state became the 1st Empire of Nolahtia.


Stabushire was a micronation located in Riga Latvia. It reached to 5,000,000 square km as it also included colonies in Antartica and on the South Pole of Mars. This would make the Kingdom of Stabushire an empire with intergalactic territories. The population of Stabushire at its peak reached 13. Other facts about Stabushire include that it's national bird was a Hawk, its national snack was a Kit Kat Bar, and its national animal is a Mountain Goat. Because Stabushire was a constitutional monarchy, the prime minister's public name was "Ž. b.P." The national food of Stabushire was Sushi and it seems that Stabushire was artificial land since Stabushire claimed to have a mountain (Mount Surend) which reached a height of only 4 cm. Due to Stabushire's intergalactic colonies, the nation prepared a Space System but seems to have been dissolved with the dissolution of Stabushire. In terms of air travel, the nation's Air Ministry claimed to have 3 paper planes, 1 drone and 1 motor plane. Other travel options included the train transport system. The capital city of Stabushire was called Clutch City with a size of 10 square cm and the highest building reaching 9 cm. The country was led by the 12 house representatives along with the monarchy. The highest honour below the monarchy was the Prime Minister. The Millitary of Stabushire contained 195 soldiers with artillery of Nurf Guns. The navy of Stabushire claimed to have 4 paper ships, 2 RC ships and 2 lego ships. The Military, Air Ministry and Navy all have their own flags which you can see below:

Millitary flag
air ministry flag

navy flag