Kingdom of Elleore

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Kingdom of Elleore


Coat of Arms
Coat of arms
Motto: Let us help one another
Anthem: Ave nostre patria
w:Roskilde Fjord, w:Denmark
Official languagesDanish
GovernmentConstitutional monarchy
• King
Finn I
EstablishmentAugust 27, 1944
• Census
263 (2006)
CurrencyLeo D'or

The Kingdom of Elleore is a micronation located on the island of Elleore in the Roskilde Fjord, north of Roskilde on the Danish island of Zealand.

The island was purchased by a group of Copenhagen schoolteachers in 1944 for use as a summer camp. They proclaimed the island's tongue-in-cheek "independence" as a Kingdom as a gentle parody of the government structure and royal traditions of Denmark. It's been stated that the kingdom's ancestry has been traced to a "monastic society of Irish monks who arrived in the middle of the 10th century."

Prior to 1944, the island was known mainly as the location at which the controversial film Løvejagten was shot in 1907.

Numerous traditions peculiar to the kingdom have evolved over the subsequent decades, including a ban on the novel Robinson Crusoe, and the use of "Elleore Standard Time", which is 12 minutes behind Danish time. Many of the place names on the island, the kingdom's "government" and the titles assumed by its "nobility" are parodies of Danish equivalents.

The kingdom has issued several stamps and coins. The Court Ball is held annually in Copenhagen. The last edition was on 13 April 2024.

Geography and demographics

The island has been estimated to be approximately 15,000 square meters in size. Elleore is unoccupied save for a week-long annual gathering attended by dozens of its "citizens" and known as the "Elleuge" (meaning "Elle week"). The ceremonial enthronement of the reigning monarch takes place at this time.

Kings and queens of Elleore

Elleore has had six leaders since its inception.

  • Erik I (1945-1949)
  • Leo I den Lille (1949-1960)
  • Erik II den Storartede (1961-1972)
  • Leo II den Folkekære (1972-1983)
  • Leodora den Dydige (1983-2003)
  • Leo III (2003–2022)
  • Finn I (2022-present)

See also


External links