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Interestism, in italian "Interessantismo", also known as a Socialism with Italic characteristics, is an ideology born in Italy during the XXI century.

Interestism is an ideology based on marxism-leninism, but enriched by a strong Italian nationalism, an exaltation of Italian tradition and culture, in particular ancient Rome and an emphatizzation of the internet, aiming at a transformation of the virtual world argue that the main internet websites are in the hands of the bourgeoisie and claim to fight the bourgeoisie through its own internet medium.

The original ideologists are Samuele Cheli and TheXanada96, and was initially born as an official ideology for their micronations. Although the two abandoned micronationalism in 2019, anyone can nowadays follow this ideology for both micronationalistic and non-micronationalistic purposes. In fact, the two continue to define themselves as interestists.

Meaning of the name

The term derives from this italian motto conied by TheXanada96: "Interesse per i Popoli" (en:"Interest for the people").


Interestism is nothing other than the application of Italian culture and tradition, especially Roman, to Marxism-Leninism (naturally expelling all the reactionary and therefore anti-Marxist characteristics from Roman and Italian culture, mainly valorising aesthetics. The Interestism is above all an "internet" ideology, which bases its vision of the virtual world on a critical text that Samuele Cheli wrote against the theory of the three traps, the latter being one of the founding ideologies of the CARC party (a minor italian marxist-leninist party).

Interestism sees the internet as an important tool for fighting bourgeois propaganda despite the main websites and social networks being in the hands of the bourgeoisie. Furthermore, interestists argue that the ability of many influencers, YouTubers and commentators is capable of manipulating opinion. of the popular masses with misinformation and reactionary and degenerate ideas, and those who fall for these falsehoods are in particular young internet users, therefore it is argued that a serious opposition platform must be established on the internet.


The interestist philosophy assumes an "Optimistic-Nihilist-Realist" philosophy. In practice, it sees as the main sense of life that of guaranteeing happiness to as many people as possible, supporting the idea that hard work can lead to any goal. but all this based on the reality of the times, history and facts.

Interestism approves also the marxist historical materialism.

Religion Views

Interestism is secularist supporting the religious freedom of the individual except all those religious who instigate evil and violence, support the idea of deism rather than that of absolute atheism.


Actually the interestist vision of the economy is a marxist vision of that, for example, interestism approves the marxist law of value.

In the past, the economic system of the Interestism was an social-economic system in which primary goods and public services are available without the use of money, credit, exchange or debt. But to the work done by the individual in the state (such as making a separate collection or a volunteer). The premise on which it is based is that it is necessary to use any resource present in an area politically and physically owned considering that the earth is a closed system, thus aiming at low-cost renewable sources. this system practices rations through monetary methods based on the situation in the country.


it is represented by a sun that is almost always yellow, This meaning is originated by the fact that the sun being large is able to heat all of us giving us its energy it is able to involve everyone.

Social views

it is opposed to social degenerations and fashions considering them useless things.

It also opposes any substance that immediately causes independence.