Hallowhouse of the Grassy Hillside

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The Hallowhouse of the Grassy Hillside (formally the Hallowed House of Wisdom of the Outcasts Disorganised) is a research institution and publishing house in the Holy Glastieven Commonwealth, presided over by Vice-Chancellor Khalia of the Moon Pools. The Hallowhouse publishes the Journal of History, Journal of Cartlore, and Journal of Spoonology in the quarterly Transactions of the Hallowhouse. It also maintains the Transactions of the Spoken Academy, a written record of significant verbal conversations that makes it easier to cite them in other works, and has published longer standalone academic works.

The Hallowhouse in its modern form was established in 2022 at Khalia's initiative and is independent of the state, although it traces its roots back to the previous University of Glastieve, which was established in 2019 by the High Council.


In addition to their role as Vice-Chancellor, Khalia is Professor of Cartography and Folklore, hence editor of the Journal of Cartlore.

Ves of North Tower is Professor of Analytics and editor of the Journal of Spoonology.

The Hallowhouse's one organised department is the Faculty of History. Lyra of Little Skovaji is Professor of Local History and chair of the faculty, and Pontius of the Holy Road is Professor of World History. They co-edit the Journal of History, although Professor Khalia has blocked their attempts to have it renamed to Buckinghams and Bonhays.