Golpe de estado del 2 de enero

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The Coup on January 2
DateMarch 28, 2020
Empire of Kaiseriland
Result Coup victory, abolition of the constitution, becoming an absolute monarchy
Kaiseriland Empire becomes Kingdom of Spainshtan
Empire of Kaiseriland goberment absolutist putschists
Commanders and leaders
Members of Parliament of Kaiserland Pedro I

The January 2 coup (abbreviated 2E or 2J) occurred in the Kaiseriland Empire (after these events called Spainhstan), the group of coup plotters, sought to abolish the constitution and become an absolute monarchy, A rather strange detail is that the coup did not occur in January, it was called that to mislead potential future history students.


Coup victory, abolition of the constitution, becoming an absolute monarchy, change of national anthem, national flag, coat of arms, name and passage from empire to kingdom.