Flag of the Republic of Ceneda

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Flag of the Republic of Ceneda
See adjacent text.
Flag of the Republic of Ceneda
Name Flag of Ceneda (Bandiera di Ceneda)
Use National flag and civil ensign
Proportion 2:3
Adopted unknown (probably IX century)
(De facto)
6 August 2022
(De iure)
Design A red field with a white San Giovanni cross (Di rosso alla croce d'argento)
Designed by unknown

The flag of Ceneda is the official flag of the Republic of Ceneda. The flag has an aspect ratio of 2:3 and has a red field with a white cross. It's used by all the official authorities of the Republic.



First evidence of the use of the banner is dated to 826 AD, even if there is still no definite evidence. However, it is known that the standard will remain unchanged and will come as it is up to the present day. The evidence says:

"on ours, which (coat of arms, the silver cross shone on a red background; it was carried in religious processions, gathered the people under it for rallies, raised on solemn days on the castle tower; they hung from the balcony in the time of councils; under the command of the bishop, more often than the avogadore (This magistrate, conceived by King Pepin, was regularly established in 826 under Pope Eugene II, and, as the name implies, which means lawyer, had to deal with temporal affairs, leaving the spirituals to the bishops.) waved on the battlefield."

(Don Camillo Fassetta - Storia popolare di Ceneda, pag. 171)[1]

The cross of San Giovanni, which is the type the flag has, is very ancient, it is generally believed to derive from the blutfahne, the original flag of the sovereign of the Holy Roman Empire consisting of a red cloth to which a silver cross was added; consequently it was a symbol of belonging to the imperial part of the Ghibellines as opposed to the cross of San Giorgio which indicated a preference for the Guelphs. The flag is now used during the major national events.


The flag of the Republic of Ceneda is defined in the Constitution:

La bandiera della Repubblica viene descritta come segue: di rosso alla croce d'argento

— Constitution of the Republic of Ceneda, Article 9


Dimension of the flag. (The example is for a flag of 2x3 meters)

The flag has an aspect ratio of 2:3, altrough other aspect ratio are accepted. The official ratio of the various bands on the long side is 2:1:2, while on the short side it is 13:4:13. The measurements on the image on the side refer to a flag 2 meters high and 3 meters wide.

Colours and symbolism

The colours are not defined exactly by the law, but the colours are the standard blason colour.

Scheme RGB Hexadecimal CMYK
White 255-255-255 #FFFFFF 0, 0, 0, 0
Red 255-000-000 #FF0000 0, 100, 50


  1. Don Camillo Fassetta - Storia popolare di Ceneda, 1917
  2. https://www.cenedagov.org/government/the-constitution